The Life With Fake Friends

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"I really can't belive 2 weeks have gone by so fast!" My mom says over the phone.

I can't either. In two short weeks I got my boob job and went from social and smart to only social.

I've barley had anytime to myself latley. I've been asked out on five dates, become one of the most popular girls in school, gained all these fake friends and not once has Matt looked my way!

Grrrrrr.... I'm going to have to try harder, maybe go out with one of his friends just so he sees me more often... hmmmm or even make one of his friends, my friend.

As I think about all this my phone bleeps saying I have a text, and it's from emily, figures. I know she's only my fake friend because she made that clear when she didn't want to hang out with me after school one day.

"I gotta go mom, talk to you later" I say and hang up so I can respond.

Emily sticks to me like glue whenever I'm at school, trying to butt into my popularity and such because she went down hill from the day she dyed her hair black. It doesn't suit her at all but she refuses to dye it blond again.

"Wanna hang out with me and the girls? They insisted on inviting you. :p"

I sigh. At least some people actully want to hang out with me.

"Sure, the mall at 2?" I text back. I know she's free, She always says she's busy but she's basic so what can you expect.


I throw my purse over my sholder and head out the door, texting my mom on the way to the car telling her where I'm going.

Ever since I got my boobs done she's been so protective saying she's afraid I might be one of those girls on 16 and pregnant.

I sigh thinking about it, I'm still a vigin so she has nothing to worry about.


When I get to the mall 15 minutes later all my crew is already hanging out in the food court all taking tiny bites of their salads.

Their so steryo-tipical.

"Hey guys!" I say and sit down beside Emily, all their faces look at me and smile. They all burst into conversation and I try to keep up with it.

After talking for a good ten minutes we all get up and start to walk around the mall, ocassionaly glancing into stores we like.

The Life With Fake Freinds













Hey Guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been super busy with stuff so I hope you guys like this kinda long chapter!

Feedback is always appreciated!



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