She's So Soft

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I walk into school and am immediately swarmed by all these girls probably in 9th grade, some giving me excited looks others giving me jelous stares.

"Have you heard?" one girl squels.

"Oh my gosh I can't belive it!" Another one says

"I wonder why he wants to get her back" another girl rolls her eyes.

What the heck is happening!?

"Um guys whats going on?" I ask confused. Why is everyone so excited and flustered?

"MATT WANTS TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH YOU!" they all scream at the same time.

I stand there shocked while all the girls start squeeling about it.

After a while everyone goes silent and looks at me. I hadn't said a word yet.

"Are you going to get back with him?" One girl beside me asks quietly.

I smirk. "He has to earn me back" I say and walk away from the group of them and head for my locker. Ha my plan is in full motion now!


My first class is with Sandra, ugh. She hasn't said a word to me ever since I kicked her out of my house. I roll my eyes at that, she's so stuborn.

As I walk into class I see her sitting by the wall reading a book and I walk over to her.

"Having fun being a loser?" I sneer. This fight is all her fault, if she had kept her mouth shut we would still be friends.

She snaps her head up to look at me but quickly looks back down at her book and keeps reading. Wow she got alot ruder.

I snatch her book away from her hurl it across the room, good thing I came early otherwise I would have detention for a week.

"I'm talking to you, b**ch" I say and smirk.

"I'm not starting a fight with you Casey." She calmly replys.

"We wouldn't be in a fight if you had kept your big mouth shut." I say sweetly. I don't know how I could have been friends with her before!

"Good bye Casey" she says rudely and gets up to go and get her book.

"God fat girls are so rude." I say loudly and walk to my seat. I glance up at Sandra and see her crying. I roll my eyes.

She's So Soft.












Okay I'm not going to swear much in this book but I needed her to curse at least a little bit.

Sorry this chapters short!

Feedback is always appreciated!



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