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Your POV:

I looked at him for a while, taking in his appearance. His eyes showed emotions that he would normally hide and he had his bed hair but he was as handsome as ever. How can someone be that good looking at 3 in the morning?

I sipped on my tea, seeming deep in thought. His eyes are really interesting, I love them. As the god of lies, he can easily hide his feelings. If you look deeper than the poker face though, you can see the emotion he is feeling in his eyes. That must be why some people say that eyes are windows to the soul.

We sit there for what could be 5 minutes or an hour, I'm not sure. I want to talk to him but I feel like I'd annoy him or something. I am just a stupid Midgardian in the end, not important whatsoever.

Loki- That's not true and you know it.

I jump at the sound of his voice. He probably read my mind. My dull eyes just look back at the tea in my hands. He's just trying to help me, he doesn't mean it.

Loki- But I do mean it. The idiots all feel bad for reacting that way but wanted to give you space. I'm done doing that. You need to see that we love you and need you and the only way for this to happen is if we talk about it.

Lies, that's all there is in his words. They hate and despise me. I do deserve it though. Will was right, I am a monster and deserve to die.

My sad thoughts are stopped though when Loki puts his hands on my shoulders.

Loki- (Y/N), look at me, in my eyes. Does it look like I'm lying to you? I'm stating the truth. I would never hurt you in any way, you're my friend. We really need you back, we all need to talk it out not hide away in our room.

That's when I snap.

(Y/N)- Of course, I stayed in my room! It hurt too much to see my friends look at me in the same way as those people did when I used to kill humans! Do you know how much it hurts to see everyone you love staring at you like you are a monster!? And it's not like I could say that I am not because I am! I'm a monster, Loki. A disgusting, horrible monster.

His look of surprise turns into one of hurt.

Loki- Of course that I know what it's like! I'm a Jotun, (Y/N), I'm the real monster here! I'm what parents tell their child so they go to bed every night! I have been lied to all my life, people told me that I was going to be king but then betrayed me! My parents hate me, Asgardians hate me, they hate me for trying to be accepted and loved, for being different. I'm the real monster, (Y/N).

As he says this, his skin turns blue and his eyes red. I can see some interesting markings on his skin and my hand moves on its own. Next thing I know, my hand is on his cheek as tears are falling for our eyes. Pain and hurt can be felt around us as we stare into each other's eyes. Without realizing, our heads slowly move closer. I stop when I see that we are about to kiss and flinch backwards with a confused and surprised frown. We both quickly scurry backwards on the couch so we are a few feets away from each other. I can see a small blush on his face and can feel mine burning my cheeks. We cough awkwardly but quickly get our composure back.

(Y/N)- Alright... I'll talk to them... But if I see even a slight bit of disgust or judgement on someone's face, I am leaving the tower and never coming back.

I say this in a serious tone, showing that I'm not joking. He frowns a bit but accepts the conditions. We soon walk back to our rooms and go to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and a wave of stress comes over me when I remember what happened yesterday. But a slight blush appears as I think back to Loki and I almost kissing. I sigh and get ready before slowly walking out of my room towards the meeting one. Flashes of when I ran away and the looks of disgust they sent me make me hesitate to walk in. After a few seconds though, I push the door and look inside to see everyone here. I look at the ground and quickly sit beside Loki. I feel his hand taking mine under the table and rubbing circles on the back of it which makes a small smile appear on my face.

Natasha- We are sorry for the way we reacted, (Y/N). You've been a great friend to us and we should have treated you like one but instead, we made you feel as if we hate you and we feel bad.

Loki- You "feel bad"? She suffered in silence for over a month because of your ignorance!

I gently squeeze his hand, calming him, before turning to the humans that I call friends.

(Y/N)- I... Understand why you reacted that way. I made some mistakes in the past. That's why I accepted Fury's offer to come here.

Steve- Can you explain what a Skinwalker is?

(Y/N)- A Skinwalker is a person that can transform into a dog. Unlike Werewolves, Skinwalkers don't have to eat hearts. We-they mostly bite people to turn them into Skinwalkers and have a bigger pack.

Tony- Wait, so you TURNED into a Skinwalker?

(Y/N)- Yes...

I nod at Loki before continuing.

(Y/N)- I was ten when he killed my parents and turned me. I listened to his orders for thirteen years but realized that what I was doing was bad and killed him before coming here.

Bucky- You went through a lot, huh?

The softness in his voice makes me look at him. I see understanding in his eyes and smile at him.

(Y/N)- I guess... I'd understand if you all hate me now...

Clint- Why would we hate you? We all killed people sometime in our life.

Natasha- And you have done nothing bad since we know you.

Tony- Yeah. Just don't eat human hearts, please.

(Y/N)- Of course! I never ate human hearts anyway.

Sam- Wait, didn't you say that Skinwalkers could transform into a dog?

Wanda- Yeah, I would like to see your dog form.

(Y/N)- Well... My clothes kinda rip apart when I transform.

Bruce- Oh. I wanted to do some tests...

Their sad faces made me feel bad and I sighed.

(Y/N)- I'll show you guys tomorrow, okay?

Everyone except Loki and (Y/N)- Okay!

We all walked out of the meeting room and started lunch since it was already pretty late. Everything went perfectly. We laughed and talked as if nothing happened and it made me smile brightly. Loki and I sometimes sent each other looks and I couldn't help but think back to yesterday. Did that almost-kiss-moment mean anything? I shouldn't think about it.

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