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Your POV:

I'm walking through the tower as a small sigh escapes my mouth, eyes looking at my phone as I read yet another fanfiction. Why are people even doing fanfictions about Loki? Well, most are good so I don't mind. Maybe we should tell people that we're together, though many people are already shipping us together. It's amusing to see them fangirl every time they see us fighting together or things like that. Yeah, I should talk to Loki about telling people. I mean, we've been together for a while now. As I pass by the kitchen, I smile softly to myself remembering when I first saw Loki's true form.


"Hot, hot, hot!" I yelp as I put down the first batch of muffins. I'm cooking muffins right now, obviously. As I stretch with a yawn, a sudden sound makes me yelp and turn around. I calm down as I see that it is only Steve. "Are you okay? You seem a bit jumpy," He tells me. I smile at him. "I'm good, thanks," I answer. Though it isn't a lie, it is not the truth either. I am good, just maybe a bit stressed. It's the reason why I'm baking. It helps to clear my mind. Steve only nods at me before leaving, probably to train, guessing from his attire. I put another batch of cookies in the oven and close it, sighing to myself.

Explaining what exactly is stressing me would be a bit... Complicated. People would naturally guess that it is because of Loki, but it is actually not the case. This time, it isn't, at least. I guess that you could say I'm stressed because of my... Abilities. I have wolf instincts, which isn't all bad, but what truly worries me is the thought of losing control over those instincts, hurting people because of that. Anyone would be worried, of course, but I had a nightmare and it brought back memories that I hoped to forget, it just built up a lot of stress and I need to let go for a moment, hence the cookies.

The sound of the oven brings me back to reality as I realize that I was lost in thoughts once again. I stay frozen in place for a second before shaking my head and carefully opening the oven, putting on protecting things on my hands before bending down, gently grabbing the now ready batch of cookies. "Hello!" Thor's loud voice makes me yelp as I drop the cookies that fall on my right foot, a burning feeling making me hiss as I kick it away. I start seeing blurry, probably because of tears in my eyes, as I try to not transform, my dog/wolf instincts screaming to kick in.

"Thor, you stupid oaf!" I hear Loki scream, his presence somehow calming my nerves a bit. They seem to fight for a couple of seconds before Thor leaves and Loki walks towards me. I can not see him clearly because of my teary eyes but I see him kneel down in front of me as I had bent down to look at my burning foot. He seems to hesitate, his hands about to touch my foot. "I think that can heal you but I'm scared that it might only hurt you more," He tells me. I shake my head before smiling at him even though my foot is still hurting.

"I trust you, Loki," I whisper, my eyes coming back into focus in time to see his shocked expression. I put my hand on his cheek and he looks back at my feet before putting both of his hands on it, cooling it down. My eyes widen in curiosity as his hands start slowly turning blue. Soon, his arms are all blue and I look up, gasping at his blood-red eyes. I stare in amazement as his whole body is blue now. Soon, my foot doesn't hurt anymore and he takes his hands off, seeming hurt as he gets up. I realize that he must have taken my amazement for fear and I grab his arm even though he is cold. He looks at me with sad eyes and his voice is full of hurting as he speaks.

"You're probably scared of me now and think that I am a monster," He says, making me let go of his arm and put my hand on his cheek instead. "I am not scared of you, Loki, only amazed at your beauty," Is all I say while staring into his red eyes. He tries to find a lie but seems truly relieved when he realizes that I am saying the truth. "Why?" He asks in a whisper. A flash of hurt appears in my eyes but quickly goes away as I smile at him. "I've seen monsters, and you are not one of them," I say.

His skin turns normal again as his eyes go back to green. I hiss in pain as I realize that my hand is completely frozen. He seems scared but I only chuckle at my own stupidity, telling him that it will heal.

-End of flashback-

I come back to reality and realize that I am now in front of my room. I look back at my fanfiction and see that I completely lost track of what is going on. I shake my head in amusement before walking into my room and lying on my bed, continuing where I left off.

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