You can trust me

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Normal POV:

When (Y/N) wakes up again, she immediately jumps to her feet, ready to kill anyone threatening her. She looks around, unsure about the new environment. The walls around her are pure white, slightly hurting her eyes, while the lights seem everywhere. Her ears perk up as she hears footsteps coming her way before a door opens and the weird man from earlier steps in.

She knows that she trusts him for some reason. He is different, just like her, and did not attack her like the others. She does not know what to think of him since he was with them, but still trusts him. He also has this whole sense of comfort around him, one that she had been unknowingly yearning for.

"Hello, (Y/N)." She bounces to him as he takes out meat from somewhere, she does not know or care to know from where. He crouches and puts it on the ground. She tilts her head at him but quickly eats the food, growling in happiness. She doesn't see the bittersweet smile on his face as he looks at his girlfriend turned into an animal. When she is finished, she licks her fur so there is no blood on her, and he wonders for a second if this is the human part of her.

"Why do this to you?" His question stays unanswered. Suddenly, the dog jumps on him and he yelps, surprised. He quickly realizes that it only wants to play though, which only confuses him more. He does play with it, having made some research on dogs while (Y/N) had been sleeping. After a while, she lets herself fall on his legs, huffing in comfort as his body cools down hers. He sits up and gently pets her head, making her move closer to him.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispers to himself as the dog starts to fall asleep on him again. When she does, he goes to get up and leave but she whimpers. He gets the message, she is scared of being left alone in the white room. He frowns and makes a bed appear, taking (Y/N) in his arms and lying in the bed with her. She goes under the blanket and curls up against him, making him smile at her cuteness.

The next morning, he wakes up to something licking his face. He pushes the thing away and gets up, looking around in pure confusion. Then, he sees the pouting dog in front of him. "Right." He gets up and cleans everything before taking out a collar. "(Y/N), I have to put this on you." She growls at the sight of the collar, though not showing her teeth. "(Y/N), darling, it is only for your own good." She still doesn't move from her defensive position.

"I do not want you to hurt anyone or get hurt." He says with begging eyes. She whimpers but comes closer to let him put it on her. "I hate this as much as you do, love." He puts it on, frowning at her sad face, before taking a leash and attach it to the collar. She keeps whimpering but he gives her a quick kiss on the head, effectively calming her down somehow. It's as if her heart could remember him.

Then, he gently tugs her along as he goes into the elevator, the ride making her stressed out. He ends up taking her in his arms before she starts growling. When it stops, he puts her back down and walks to where he knows the Avengers are currently trying to figure out how to undo what Hydra did to (Y/N). As they walk into the room, she growls, recognizing the men who attacked her.

"Loki!? Why did you bring her here!?" Says Tony, sweating in fear as the dog growls at him. Loki rolls his eyes. "Shut it, man of iron. She is fine, just needs to know that you are not a threat," He says, crouching down to the dog who looks at him. He puts a hand on her head to calm her down. "It's fine, they did not mean to hurt you." She seems to understand what he said and calms down a bit. The Avengers all look at each other in surprise.

"Looks like you got her tamed," Jokes Clint. Loki shakes his head, still looking at his changed girlfriend. "No. She just trusts me for some reason." When he says this, she turns back to the Avengers, stepping between them and Loki as Steve takes a step towards them. She growls at him but only softly, seeming conflicted between attacking and trusting them.

"(Y/N), it's me. I'm sorry for fighting you." As he says this, he crouches to her height, showing his hands to show that he is of no danger. She hesitates but, seeing Loki's nod, slowly walks to him. He puts his hand for her to sniff and she does, sitting down like an innocent dog afterwards, seeming to recognize him.

They all "meet" her one after the other, showing that they are not threats. She seems more relaxed after but still on her guards. Tony is curious and tries to touch her tail but she growls at him, though softly. "Why is Reindeer Games the only one that can touch her?" He whines. Natasha rolls her eyes at him. "Because she remembers him more than you. Also, they were dating, that must mean something in her fogged mind," She whispers the last part but Loki still hears her, glancing at the dog now lying on his lap after getting away from Tony who kept annoying her.

They pass the rest of the day trying to figure out how to change her back, Loki taking care of her since she trusts him more. At the end of the day, he brings her to his room and puts the collar away. She yaps happily, jumping on the bed and curling up against him like last time. He pets her head, finally falling asleep to her soft breathing.

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