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I made sure Nicole was comfortably in the car. I put her overnight bag in the cargo area, and hopped in the seat next to her. As our driver was pulling off, I put my arm around Nicole and held her close. She laid her head on my chest.

I felt her forehead with the back of my hand. I could tell she was still feeling the after effects of her illness from yesterday. I felt better, she didn't feel feverish.

I kissed the top of her head and felt a pull to her like I hadn't experienced before. It was mind blowing, how much I missed her presence yesterday. There is never a dull moment, when she is around.

She has brought her ray of sunshine into my life, an added element that wasn't there before. I felt comforted holding her in my arms.

"Why don't you take a little nap? There is no rush to meet my parents. We can take the scenic route," I lowered my face and I spoke low in a breathy tone, with my lips close to her ear.

She yawned. "That would be nice, I'm still very tired." She got comfortable, as I wrapped my arms securely around her. I felt her inhale and exhale against my chest, as she slept.

Who is this woman? Every encounter that I've had with her has been riveting. I studied every nuance of her face, as she slumbered so peacefully. Her thick perfectly arched eyebrows, high cheek bones, cute button nose, and full pouty lips.

She is absolutely exquisite. Something about her is so familiar and I just can't figure out why.

"Jack, can you pull up right ahead of us? There is a beautiful park with a gazebo. I'll see if Nicole wants to get out," I whispered, and pointed in the review mirror.

I gently massaged the top of Nicole's arm, " Hey sleepy head, is it okay if we go for a walk?" I waited to see if she'd respond.

She looked up into my eyes, with a disoriented expression. "Have I been asleep long?"

"About an hour."

"That long?" She was surprised.

"I let you sleep, I knew you were tired."

"I think I can get out. Where are we?"

"We're at a park I discovered yesterday. I had a habit of sitting at my favorite park, before sunset back home in Dallas. I'd reflect on the day's events before I would home.

It's how I de-stress. This park has a lovely bench under a shade tree, and a white gazebo not too far away." I studied her intently. A blush rose to her cheeks.

We strolled and sat on the bench. It felt ten degrees cooler sitting underneath the foliage of the tree. The weather couldn't have been better. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

People were out playing with their children, cyclists were riding bikes, a few joggers waved as they were running past, and people were all enjoying this delightful day.

"I want you to close your eyes and tell me the sounds you here around you, in words. And what you feel. It's something I like to do." I shared my unfamiliar pastime with her. I enjoy being my true self when I'm in her company.

"Laughter, children's squeals of delight, feet running, and striking the paved path. I hear dogs panting and people conversing. I feel a whispery breeze tickling my face. The scent of cologne, as someone is inching closer to me." She barely opened one eye, peeking at me.

"Miss Dunbar, you're supposed to keep your eyes closed." I placed my hand over her eyes to keep them shut tightly. I put my free arm around the back of the bench, and tried to hold back the grin on my lips.

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