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Nicole (The Reading of The Will)


We were all assembled at my grandfather's lawyers office on Wednesday. My father, flanked by his wife, and my sister. His brother, Benjamin, and his wife, Lily, were there as well. Mimi and I sat together.

I wore a black suit, with pearl buttons that fastened the jacket down the center. I chose to pair that with black patent leather pumps. I flat ironed my hair and selected pearl earrings. Mimi wore a nice a-line black dress, with a white lace collar. She picked low heeled black sling back shoes and styled her graying hair in a bun.

The other family members dressed more casually. I was rather surprised. They looked like they were ready to leave quickly, and go sightseeing. I guess they already knew what the will contained.

The lawyer apologized. "I'm so sorry for the delay. I wanted to make sure that I had all of Mr. Dunbar's new, Last Will And Testament in order."

There were gasps. "New will?" June started fanning herself, like she was having hot flashes. My father was saying something quietly to her. . . . I don't read lips, so I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Yes, Mr. Dunbar recently changed his will, before he passed away." He shook his head in the affirmative.

The lawyer addressed my father. "Your father knew that he was very sick. He asked me to make a new will, to include his granddaughter, Nicole."

Beads of sweat appeared on my father's face. June looked scared to face the lawyer, or me. My uncle whispered to his wife, and everyone was truly in surprise and suspense. I was extremely curious what this change would mean for me. I wasn't expecting anything.

He laid out all of the paperwork on the table. "Shall we begin?"

Mimi shook her head up and down slowly, in agreement. She held a tissue to her damp eyes.

My father was trying to quiet June down. "Honey, let's see what the will says, before you get upset."

What was she getting upset for? All she cared about was the money my father was getting.

Mr. Johnson, the lawyer, directed his eyes toward me. "You must be Nicole."

"Y-yes, Sir. I'm Nicole Dunbar." I was beyond nervous. Why did he say that?

"I have a letter for you. Your grandfather asked that it be read, before we discuss the specifics of his Last Will And Testament." He handed me a white envelope, with my name hand written on the outside. It must be in my grandfather's penmanship. Tears overwhelmed my eyes, I could barely see the writing.

My hands were trembling, as I broke the seal to open the envelope. I took out a piece of paper written to me by my grandpa. Tears pricked my eyes, and I reached for my glasses out of my pocketbook.

Dear Nicole,

You don't know me, but I know you. I was a dang fool years ago, when my young son wanted to marry your mama. They ran off an eloped. Little did I know, that you were born.

My son came home after Evelyn passed away. He didn't tell us what happened, or about you. He remarried June, and went on to have your sister, April. One day, Lucas and June were arguing and she let it slip out about you.

Your grandma and I were stunned! You were ten years old by then. I questioned my son, as to your whereabouts. He told me the story and that you were living in Dallas, Texas. I contacted your uncle and aunt, to let them know what had transpired after all of those years.

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