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I woke up early Friday morning. It was raining and dreary out. My mood was gloomy too; I felt blasé. I couldn't shake the feelings of wanting to be anywhere, but here. I officially missed Skyler. I've never had the feeling that I do for him, for anyone else. I couldn't wait to talk to my aunt, and ask her about what my grandfather revealed in his letter to me.

That was a conversation that would take some time, but one that needed to be had. I was soul searching to understand how they felt as well.

All of these years they had been in communication with my grandparents and never told me. I'm trying to put myself in their shoes, and how difficult the situation must have been for them. But I'm having a hard time coming to terms with all of this.

That's why my auntie was out of sorts when she delivered the letter from Mimi to me.

My anger keeps burning anew. It's like a blazing bonfire, when I think about my father and June. I have a lot of angst over this whole disclosure. Slowly, I'm trying not to let the bitterness I feel consume me.

The rain poured, and saturated the ground. It beat heavy against the roof last night, while the thunder boomed overhead. Streaks of lightning lit up the night sky, like daylight. It was very breezy. I looked out of the window in my bedroom to see lots of fallen branches, and tree limbs in the yard.

I was not looking forward to this new day. My outlook was bleak, instead of cheery and positive. I had to do something to shake these doldrums, but what?

We were getting ready to hear the contents of my late grandfather's will. I never met him, but that letter was so moving. I felt his love with every word, and every stroke of his pen to the paper. Now he's not just the late, Maxwell Dunbar, but he was truly my grandpa.

Mimi and I stopped at a vintage shop yesterday, and I had my letter from him framed. It is such a beautiful frame. I have it sitting on my nightstand. I treasure my grandparents, and their love for me.

I grabbed my cell phone off of my nightstand and it rang while gripped in my hand. "Good morning, look outside your window!" Skyler was waving with a handsome grin from ear to ear. He was soaked to the bone, and still gorgeous.

"What are you doing outside of my window? You weren't supposed to be in Savannah today. Come inside out of the pouring rain." My heart lurched, at the sight of him.

"I just came from the airport. I had my driver ride past your grandma's house. I'm going to my parents house to change. I'll be back to pick you and Mimi up for the lawyers office." His melodious baritone voice was music to my ears. My mood changed in an instant, hearing and seeing him.

He came for the reading of the will, to be with me. . . sigh!

"Okay, I'll try and hurry as fast as I can." I was ecstatic that Skyler was here in Savannah and coming back to pick us up.

He'll look like he should be the lawyer, in his suit and tie. I'm not complaining.

I jumped in the shower, and got dressed quickly. I threw on a simple dress, with beautiful earrings to accent it. I selected a nice pair of high heels. I left my hair long and curly since it was a wet rainy day. I applied makeup, and spritzed on my favorite perfume.

I bounded down the stairs looking for Mimi. I informed her that Skyler flew to Savannah this morning. Her face lit up, she adores him too. I told her he was picking us up. I put on my trench coat, grabbed the house keys, and we escaped to the waiting car.

Skyler was sitting up front next to the driver. He got out and opened the car door for both of us. "Good morning Mimi, I missed you." He hugged her tightly.

I tried to wait patiently for my hug. "I really missed you!" He gave me a sly grin. I felt his lips smile, while he gave me a quick kiss. He peered into my eyes the entire time. My stomach felt like I was on a free fall ride at an amusement park. That familiar feeling I get around him, came back stronger than ever. Those eyes!

There was a huge white box wrapped with a red bow, sitting in the middle of the back seat. I got in and sat next to it.

Skyler whistled, as he went to close my door. "That box is for you, and it is to be opened later." He got in the front passenger seat and we were off.


We arrived at the lawyer's office, and were greeted by angry looks. "Good morning, Skyler. What are you doing here? This is an occasion for family members only." June tried not to let her true self shine through. But she had to point that out, as she flayed him with her stare.

"He came for Nicole. And I am making him an honorary member of the family." My grandma answered June matter-of-factly, as she grabbed onto Skyler's arm. I chuckled under my breath.

Good for June. Now her feathers were more than ruffled.

We entered the office. Skyler pulled out Mimi's chair, as she sat down. He sat next to me, with his thick long eyelashes. He leaned over and whispered, "You look beautiful." For some reason, I finally accepted that he meant it. He touched my hand, and I noticed a flash across his electric blue eyes.

June sat there poking out her mouth, moving it from side to side. She folded her arms, while tapping her foot. April stared at me with Skyler, with such envy. That gave me extreme satisfaction. My father looked at me with a small sad smile, as our eyes met momentarily.

Mr. Johnson rushed in to the office, glancing at his watch. "Good morning everyone, sorry I'm a little late. I see we have a guest."

"Oh, he's like my grandson. He's Nicole's best friend. His name is Skyler Pennington." My grandma announced to Mr. Johnson, rather proudly.

Mr. Johnson extended his hand. "I see, very nice to meet you Mr. Pennington. You wouldn't be related to Beau Pennington?"

"Yes, that's my father."

"Oh okay, so you're the CEO of Pennington Inc? One of my colleagues is going to be doing work, with your shipping company. Welcome to Savannah." He had a broad smile.

"Thank you. My father did a lot of leg work, while I was back in Texas." He shared.

"Enough chit chat, can we just get on with this already?!" June's voice was shrill, and she was ready to explode any second.

"We certainly can, Mrs. Dunbar." Mr. Johnson grinned, and was rather too eager to comply. He was trying to have a guarded expression, but he knew exactly what my grandfather's will contained.

Now, I was extremely intrigued.


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