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I'm still in bed. I couldn't sleep a wink last night. My mind was in a whirlwind thinking about Skyler, and that breathtaking kiss we shared. I was in disbelief when he bent his head and planted his lips on mine. I felt an explosion of butterflies swarming in my stomach. It was like I was dreaming, and yet I knew that I was awake. He literally stole my breath away and left me overwhelmed.

The way he held me so close, after draping his suit jacket around my shoulders was so chivalrous. More chills started to creep slowly up my arms. I downplayed the way he made me feel. I was trying to read how he felt. He kept his feelings close to the vest.

There was a nip in the air that night by the pond. It felt like autumn. I was expecting the leaves to start falling, next. When he stood behind me holding my waist and placing his chin on my shoulder, I became weak in the knees. His gentle touch is like nothing I could ever explain. The familiar scent of his cologne was captivating, like everything else about him. There is something so familiar about his voice, his movements, and just him. But my mind keeps coming up empty, when I try to recall what it could possibly be.

That was my first real kiss. He kissed me as if I were a priceless treasure. I touched my lips in remembrance, when I peeked out of the front window and watched him drive away with his parents last night.

I will miss him, like I never knew it was possible to miss someone. His brilliant blue eyes, his strong presence, his handsome chiseled face, and rich scent. The longing that I feel is beyond grasping. I would love to know what he feels? Does he miss me?

I did exactly what I said I wouldn't do. . . I walked right into a trap, that could cause my heart the greatest pain if he doesn't share the same feelings.

I had no clue that he was leaving and flying back to Dallas this morning. My heart sank when he told me. But I'm happy that he will have my princess staying with him. At least one of us has him, I laughed to myself.

His parents are nothing like I imagined they would be, either. His mama is one classy lady. They told me to call them, Amelia and Beau. I'm going with her to look at some houses tomorrow. They were both so kind to my grandma. Amelia gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and had already sent a basket of fresh fruit.

Flashback. . .

I introduced them. "Daddy, please meet Skyler's parents, Amelia and Beau Pennington."

My father was cordial. "It is so nice to meet you both. Thank you so much for coming." He nodded his head.

"We are so sorry for your family's loss." Amelia began, "We are saddened to meet you under these difficult circumstances. But we hope our families can become well acquainted, while we're here. It looks like our son, and your daughter, Nicole, are very close friends."

My stepmother interrupted. "Oh yes, we know that Skyler is her boss. I was hoping my daughter, April, would have an opportunity to know him better." She minimized my relationship with Skyler, immediately.

Amelia reiterated. "My son, seems to be interested in your daughter, Nicole. It is true that he is Nicole's boss. However, it seems that she and he, have developed a relationship outside of the office." She pressed her lips firmly together, while smiling politely at June.

I was waiting for my father to say something, anything. . . but as usual he didn't. He always let June speak for the two of them, and April.

This time June didn't know how to reply to that. I was holding my laughter in, as well as my tongue. I was taken aback by Ameila's feelings toward, me and Skyler. It reminded me of the way Mimi feels. They truly see me, and not some bi-racial girl. That was so incredible, to not be judged for anything, or any reason other than who I am. That spoke volumes for the Pennington's character. Now I see where Skyler gets it from.

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