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After we left the will contest, my father cautiously approached our car. Skyler drew closer to me, and became protective. My father's face and body language were unreadable. June was sitting in their car on her cellphone, rolling her eyes.

Skyler stood in front of me. "May I help you, Mr. Dunbar?"

"I would like to talk to my daughter, please? Alone."

I placed my hands on Skyler's chest. "It's okay, I would love to hear what he has to say."

Skyler stepped to the side, reluctantly. "I'll be right here if you need me." His eyes did not leave my father.

"I'll be fine," I breathed in words close to his ear. He stepped away from my father and I.

"What's up Dad?" I inclined my head sideways, putting my hand over my eyes to block the sun.

"I'd like to stop by Mimi's house later, and explain what happened with me and your mama." He actually seemed sincere for the first time. I think my grandfather's will got his attention. I'm on the fence, as to whether or not that's good or bad.

I would love to know more about my mama, before she died. Perhaps he could explain why he left me with my aunt and uncle.

"Do you plan to bring June? That's an automatic deal breaker. I'll speak with you, and only you." I met his hazel eyes that looked stressed.

"I plan to come by myself."

"You can come around 6 p.m."

"I'll see you then, Nicole." He cleared his throat, and gave me a half nervous smile.

I viewed him walking back to his car, wondering what that was all about. Skyler quietly slipped beside me, and grabbed my hand. He faced me and placed my other hand in his. He bent his head and his lips brushed mine, sending my senses to the moon. I kissed him back, with a breathy sigh after that surprise smooch.

"I'm meeting my father at Mimi's house this evening. He's going to tell me about my mama." I informed him, trying not to get excited. I've been disappointed one too many times.

"I was hoping I could take you out to dinner. I never got to give you the surprise that I brought for you from Dallas. The time never seems to be right. How long is your father staying?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, while inquiring.

"I'm not sure. He's coming without June, at 6 p.m. Can I take a rain check? I've never spent time with my dad one on one since I've been in Savannah."

"Alright, but after today I have something planned for you." He held both sides of my face in his hands and peered deeply into my eyes. I melted into a puddle in that very moment.

I would love to know what this surprise is that Skyler has planned for me. This whole journey to Savannah has been one big shocker after another.


Mimi retired to her bedroom early. She knew that my father was coming this evening to speak to me privately. I had no clue what to think, or feel. Skyler's mama had her own opinion about me having this little meeting. She felt it was too little, too late.

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