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Three Weeks Later. . .


I couldn't believe the incredible story that Nicole had told me. I couldn't stop thinking about it, or her. I'm so happy that her grandfather thought to write her that loving letter. It explained everything that she needed, and deserved to know.

I'm only sad I wasn't there to support and comfort her at a time like this. She was in such anguish. To hear her sorrow-filled sobs shattered my heart. There was nothing I could do, but listen and offer my encouraging words from far away. I wanted to hold her close in my arms, and ease her heartbreak.

My mama heard back from the realtor, and they were able to negotiate a price with the seller. She chose the house that Nicole had liked. The closing is today, and they are moving in right away. My father located a commercial office building for our shipping company and we can start moving in, immediately.

I'm sending some of our staff down there this weekend. I've been conducting interviews for the past three weeks. I'm trying to replace key positions of employees not able to relocate to Savannah. Everything is in full swing now.

My Yorkie friend has been behaving herself, and letting me get a lot of work done. She's been contentedly taking naps in her comfy bed under my desk, or by my side. She is very protective when applicants come in for their interviews. This has been an unconventional process. But I made a promise to a friend, so I'm multitasking and making it work.

I was working late tonight and someone was tapping at my office door. "Come in?" Where is my secretary?

"Hi Skyler, your secretary wasn't at her desk, so I just knocked. How are you? Long time no see." Alexa, my old girlfriend, set foot in my office. She was dressed to impress as she stood before me.

She does look sorta like a Barbie Doll, now that Shayne brought it to my attention. I tried to disguise my amusement. I started coughing, trying not to laugh at that thought. I ended up with a broad smile, as my eyes met hers.

"Alexa, what's up? What brings you here?" I stopped my pen mid-sentence, and leaned back in my chair.

"I'm here for a job, I heard that you're hiring. I don't mind moving to Savannah and I need employment. I miss you, Skyler." She sat down in a chair without me asking and crossed her legs. I knew she was joking about needing a job.

Princess woke up. She came out from underneath my desk, and started growling at her. Alexa was startled and so was I. She did not like Alexa at all. "It's okay, girl. This is an old friend of mine." I picked my puppy up, and put her on my lap.

"I didn't know that you had a dog? I thought you didn't like dogs." Alexa's face contorted and expressed surprise.

"I had never gotten to know a dog before, but now I do. She belongs to my friend, Nicole." I'm taking care of her while she is away." I smoothed my hands over Princess's short fur while talking. The truth is, I've grown attached to this puppy.

"It's strange seeing you be so affectionate to a puppy. You seem to rarely let anyone get close enough to you. You've changed Skyler. You've grown into a man, and I mean that as a compliment. Do I know this friend, Nicole?" She asked and seemed eager to know about Nicole.

I paused before answering her. "No, you don't know her." I chose not to discuss our relationship.

"Is she your new girlfriend?" She asked in a jealous manner.

She put her hand under her chin reflecting for a moment. "She must be the young woman in the pictures with you, posted on Facebook." Her expression was like a lightbulb went off in her head.

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