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Nicole and I stood in the kitchen, while her father and June had their discussion. I held her close, as she cried and totally broke down. I don't think I've ever seen her like this. She has been through such a roller coaster of emotions these past few weeks. She has received more bombshell revelations, than most people hear in a lifetime.

I turned and really looked at her for the first time. Not just her physical beauty, but her inner beauty. She had a quiet grace under fire, that deepened my respect for her.

I can't believe I told her that I love her. I couldn't help myself. She pierced my armor and totally captured my heart. I've never met another woman like her.

I had to come tonight when she told me that she was meeting with her father. I didn't want to intrude. I respected their privacy, but I knew anything could go wrong. Her relationship with her father was unusual, to say the least. I had to be here for any fallout after their conversation. She told me she would be fine, but I'm always going to be here for her.

"Hey, do you want to sit down?" I lifted her chin, and wiped a lingering tear. I couldn't help placing a kiss on her soft lips. I leaned my forehead against hers. Both of our hearts were racing so fast.

"I just need you to hold me. I'm so glad you decided not to listen to me, and you're here." She gave me a small smile.

June wandered into the kitchen. "Your father and I are done with our discussion. I hope you realize, that in-spite of what he told you, I was looking out for you." She directed her statement to Nicole.

"Please tell me how you advising him to not tell my grandparents, or anyone of my existence, was helping me?" Nicole looked at her questioningly, waiting for her to reply.

"Your grandparents didn't want your daddy to marry your mama. So I didn't dream they would accept you. I felt you were better off, with your aunt and uncle. They loved you and couldn't have children of their own. You had a home, and people to take care of you." June's skin bunched around her eyes, as she feigned anguish.

"It was not your place to decide. That was my daddy, and I needed him and my grandparents. You took them from me. All you cared about was the money that my father would inherit. Did you even love my father when you married him?" Nicole gave her an icy stare, pressing her lips firmly together.

"How dare you speak to me that way! I am your step mama, and you will show me respect. Your father chose to marry me and start another family. Get angry with him, not me." June became indignant.

"That's enough, both of you. June is right, I chose to marry her. I left you to be raised by your aunt and uncle. I thought it was a good decision at the time. Now, I know it was the worst decision possible. I can only hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me, one day." Lucas spoke with remorse. He was massaging his head between his eyebrows.

"You're asking for her forgiveness, when she inherited everything? My daughter, doesn't get one penny. Nicole, took everything from us and you have the gall to ask her that? I've had it with your daughter, since she arrived in Savannah." June curled her lip and pointed at Lucas.

Nicole left my arms and waltzed over to June. "I've had it with you, since I arrived in Savannah. I found out what you willingly stole from me. Now get out of my house!"

Nicole looked ready to slap June's face. Her father grabbed her hand. "I'm the one, you should be slapping. I treated you of no account, even once you got here. My own father was ashamed of me. His letter to you, sliced through my heart. His words will stay with me forever." Lucas began to cry out loud. He was in mental and emotional pain.

Nicole held her father, as his whole body shook. Everything hit him at once. He had told Nicole about her mother and how much he loved her. That memory alone, probably tore him up inside. Then thinking back to the day Nicole was born and losing his wife. He had to be in turmoil. He probably never even loved June.

"This is insanity, I'm going home. Maybe your daughter will give you a place to stay." June slammed the front door on her way out.

Talk about family drama. I know this was a lot for Nicole to process.

Mimi entered the kitchen. "Lucas, why don't you stay overnight? I think you are too overwhelmed to drive home. I've been listening to the entire conversation. I didn't want to deal with June, so I stayed in the hallway. I might have taken out my cast iron skillet. So I just kept calm." Mimi tried to suppress her laugh forming on her lips.

"Thank you, Mama. I don't deserve Nicole's, or your kindness."

"Well, that's true. But we're giving it to you anyway. Now you get to see how beautiful Nicole is on the inside and outside. She is loving and kind, unlike your wife. Let's all get some sleep and talk in the morning. Thank you Skyler, for being here." Mimi kissed my cheek, and helped Lucas upstairs.

I reached for Nicole and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'm leaving so that you can try and get some sleep. It's been quite an eventful day. We'll play tomorrow by ear. I'm glad you got to begin talking to your dad." I gave her a hug, and a soft lingering kiss goodnight.


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