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All six of us stood there in an awkward silence hearing the faint car engine speeding away.

"So..." The shorter girl started awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. "-I'm Ally, this is Camila, Normani, Lauren, and Dinah." I watched her point to the girls who waved after hearing their names.

I nod.

As I made dinner, I couldn't help myself overhearing the girls conversations about whatever they were talking about.

"They gave only Dinah and I summer reading homework. No one else, just us. It's unfair!" Camila exclaimed dramatically.

"Babe, maybe if you dim-wads didn't goof off, you wouldn't have summer homework," Lauren stifled a laugh.

"Brooklyn? Do you want help?" Ally asked.

I shook my head.

Not much went on at the table but the girls telling me when to stop. I was glad how they respected my space.

"So, how old are you?" Lauren attempted to ask. Obviously, the awkward silence got to everyone.

This is a trick that they're playing. If I speak they will hurt me.

"You don't have to answer, we don't bite just to let you know," Lauren awkwardly said.

"Fifteen," I said barely above a whisper.

"Fun, tell us about yourself," Dinah said.

"Only if you're comfortable," Ally quickly added. Glaring at Dinah. I had to stifle a laugh too.

Pushing around more food I shrug my shoulders. I don't really have anything to say about myself. I can only think of the negatives.

"I'll get that," I quickly say to Camila who was about to put that in the sink.


After turning the kitchen the way it was before dinner I sneak back upstairs closing my door.

Just breathe

I have a feeling that the next few weeks will be harder than I thought.


5:30 am

One more day of school. I completely forgot to tell the girls.

Quickly getting ready, glad that the girls weren't up so I can skip breakfast. Making eggs for the girls and putting it in the fridge.

I'm sorry I forgot to tell you guys that I have to make up a day of school. Made food for you guys. I will be back soon.


"Ah, Brooklyn, good to see you actually listening to rules."

I looked down feeling humiliated by what my teacher said.

"You will only be here till twelve. You need to complete these assignments that you have missed this quarter." He gave me a packet of four or five things I have missed I didn't miss him looking me up and down.

"Um, shouldn't we wait until the other um s-students come?" I stutter.

"There is no other kids for my class."

Weird. I just push the thought in the back of my mind and I start to do my work.

Hearing the door lock made me more uncomfortable than ever but again, I never should question an adult. I've learned that the hard way.

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