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The next morning came and Yuyan woke up.

7:37 AM it read on the clock.

She stretched her arms and legs, then left the bed to go to the bathroom.

After she showered and changed clothing, Yuyan went to Mark and shook him a little.

"Mark~ get up." Yuyan said.

He slowly opened his eyes and then looked at her for a second, and then nodded.

Mark climed out of his bed and went to Yuyan's hand which was reaching out for him to go on and sit on it.

The girl smiled and left the room to go downstairs.

Her mother was making breakfast.

"Good morning mom." she said and sat down while placing Mark on the dining table.

Yuyan looked at him and laughed.

He looked like he just ran from a tornado. She fixed his hair a little bit and styled it.

Mom then placed the food infront of her and they immediately ate.


skip time because im lazy lol sorry

Yuyan's mother, Mark and her are in the car, heading to the new apartment.

"Yuyan, I have something to tell you." mother said out of nowwhere.

"Uh, okay."

"So you know Justin right?" She asked.

Yuyan's eyes lit up once she heard his name.

"Huang Minghao?!" The girl asked exitedly.

Mother nodded and laughed a little seeing her expression.

"Yeah. So he is coming back here in Seoul today and I told him that he'll be staying with you for 3 months." She explained.

"With me?! So its only me and him living in the apartment?!"

"Yeah basically. Are you okay with that?" Mother turned to her and asked.

"Yeah Its fine. Besides, I haven't seen my lovely cousin in 5 years." She smiled and remembered all the memories they did together when they were still kids.

Justin and Yuyan were unseperable. The two were always together. Basically they were best friends.

But once Yuyan's family moved to Korea, she hadn't seen Justin since then.

"What time is he coming?" She asked.

"He'll be here around sometime in the afternoon. I am not sure though, he said he'll just call me when he arrives in the airport."

"Oh okay." Yuyan nodded.

They finally arrived at the apartment. Yuyan exits the car with Mark in her hand.

She gasped at the sight.

There was a small, not too big 2 story apartment. Her mother went ahead and opened the front door with a key.

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