t w e n t y f i v e

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Yuyan ran for the second time today and she was not having it. She felt like her lungs were gonna burst.

As she slowed down and stopped for a break, loud footsteps were heard. She looked back and saw the angry man she punched awhile ago approaching her. She widened her eyes, groaned and quickly placed the two boys in her pocket and ran as fast as she can and ignored the scorching pain in her stomach she was having.

While Yuyan was running, she spotted an empty alleyway ahead and quickly got in and stayed there. She saw the man run pass the small alleyway and ran straight ahead. After a couple minutes of waiting, she peaked her head out and saw the man was no longer in sight.

The tired girl heaved a loud sighed and leaned against the wall. Her eyes closing because of tiredness.

"Uhm, Hi...?"

Yuyan's eyes shot open at the voice she suddenly heard. Oh.... the pocket people. Oops I forgot.

She looked down at her pocket and saw the three small boys. She took them all out of her pocket and onto her hand.

The girl stepped out of the small alley and walked to the convenience store nearby. She entered the store, grabbed instant ramen and water. Yuyan went to the counter and payed for it.

After she payed, Yuyan went to a table, placed the three boys there
then proceed to cook her ramen.

After she was done, she carefully placed the hot bowl and finally sat down. "Here. I bought this for you so enjoy."

The three boys were confused as to why she had bought them food but didn't complain anyways. Free food is the best.

They all ate silently and Yuyan just watched them. But not to the point is creepy.

After awhile, Yuyan looked out the store's huge window to see the sky has turned dark already. At the same time, the boys had already finished eating.

"Hey stranger?" The green haired approached the girl and tugged on her sleeve lightly. This caught her attention and looked at the boy. "Yes?"

He looked away shyly. "Uh thank you for saving my friend and us awhile go. And the food too!" He smiled at Yuyan. She smiled back.

"No problem. Its my pleasure." Yuyan replied with a smile. Her sight adverted to the orange haired boy who was shyly hiding behind the brown haired one.

"Are you okay now?" She asked softly at the one who got held by the evil man awhile ago. He nodded slightly. Hiding his head at the back of the other.

There she saw that his leg was bruised. "No you're not." Yuyan reached out to his arm gently and lightly pulled him away from the older. She saw clearly how bad the bruise was. "Sit down." She commanded. He immediately did but carefully because of his leg.

Yuyan gently touched the bruise and the scared boy flinched as he felt the stinging pain. His face clearly shown that he was terribly hurt. "You need a doctor...come, I know just the place."


Then they were standing infront of a building. 'Clinic' was shown on top.

The green and the brown haired ones were in her pocket and the injured boy safely on her palm.

Yuyan went in and asked the lady in front for the person she was looking for. She said she was in her office. Yuyan thanked the lady and went in.

"Aunt Meili!"

The pretty woman looked up from her papers and immidiantly went to Yuyan and engulfed her in a warm hug.

"Wait, I have people with me!" Her aunt stepped back and saw the three boys. She muttered a sorry.

"Anyways, come come! Sit down Yuyan." Aunt Meili motioned her to sit down.

She then sat infront of her. "So, what brings you here?" The woman asked Yuyan.

She started to explain, "Well you see, I saved three small boys from getting kidnapped and one got hurt pretty badly." Yuyan carefully brought out the injured boy and showed her aunt.

Aunt Meili wore her glasses and examined the boy's legs. Indeed it was bruised pretty badly.

Her aunt picked the boy up and went to a seperate table with all her medical equipment and started her thing.

"Hey, honestly, You are the kindest person I've ever met in my whole life. Thank you for all the things you've done to us." The brown haired one finally spoke. Yuyan's heart melted abit at his speech. She could almost cry.

"Thank you. And your welcome...?" She trailed off signaling for him to finish her sentence.

"Donghyuck. This is Chenle and the other one is Jisung."

"I'm Yuyan. Nice to meet all of you."

ayeee double update bcz i love yall 💗💘💓💗💕💖💝💞💝💝💖💟💝💕

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