t w e n t y o n e

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They walked around the park more. It was turning dark soon. The pink and orange skies can be seen beautifully above them.

As they look around, Justin suddenly spoke getting their attention. "Hey, I'll be going to the restroom for abit. Just stay here and wait for me okay?" Yuyan nodded and Justin ran off.

As they wait for Justin to finish, the small boys started to eat their candies and chocolates. "Guys! Look, I got a kitkat!" Mark raised up a kitkat half of his size. The boys' eyes sparkle. "Can we share? Please?" Jaemin begged with puppy eyes.

Mark couldn't resist and agreed. "Renjun-ah, help me open this." Mark handed the other side of the chocolate bar to Renjun. Together, they rip open the sweet sucessfully.

The 4 then started munching happily.

While they were eating, Yuyan was too busy on her phone she didn't even notice someone approach her.

"Hey." The sudden voice startled Yuyan which made her look up from her device. She widened her eyes. "O-oh hi." She mentally face palmed herself for stuttering infront of him.

"You look pretty in that costume." Jaehyun smiled at the flustered girl. "Thank you. You look handsome too." She shyly said. To be honest, Yuyan found her more handsome in what he was wearing. He was Jack from Titanic and it totally fit him. From that hairstyle and his smile of his made her heart flutter and she didn't even know why.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Yuyan. Jaehyun shrugged. "Just came to accompany my friend. Plus, Lucas forced me to come anyways so I had no choice."

Suddenly, a person approached Jaehyun from behind. "Jaehyun, there you are!" Came out a girl. Yuyan suddenly felt her mood go down once she saw her.

"Yuyan, I want you to meet Jungwoo!" Jaehyun motioned Jungwoo to introduce himself. "Hello Yuyan, I am Kim Jungwoo nice to meet you!" Jungwoo smiled widely and shook Yuyan's hands.

"W-wait you're not a girl?!" Yuyan asked, shocked once she saw he was a guy. Jungwoo's soft laugh erupted. "Yes, I am a guy. I dressed up as Rose from the Titanic. Like Jaehyun."

"A-ah okay. You really looked like a girl though." She said, flustered and embarassed at herself for thinking Jungwoo was a girl.

"YUYAN HELLO WE MEET AGAIN!" A loud voice greeted from Jungwoo's arm. It was Lucas. Yuyan giggled and picked up Thor-Lucas. "Hi there Lucas." She smiled at the boy in her palm. He waved back happily.

Suddenly, Justin came into the scene and interrupted Yuyan by draping his arm over her shoulder. "Who are you and what relation do you have with Yuyan?" Justin straightforwardly asked and eyed Jaehyun and Jungwoo.

Is that her boyfriend? Jaehyun thought. "Hi I am Jungwoo, and this is Jaehyun. We are friends of Yuyan and happened to meet her here. We are sorry for interrupting."

Yuyan rolled her eyes and pushed Justin's arm off her shoulder. "Justin, chill. They're my friends." Justin oh-ed and apologized. "Sorry. I'm Justin." He shook hands with both of them.

While that was happening, Yuyan lost her attention on Lucas and didn't even know he went off her palm already and went to her bag where the 4 had been chatting and eating. "Hi guys!!!" Lucas jumped in.

Mark looked over to the voice and widened his eyes. "Lucas!!!" He said excitedly but it was muffled since there was still food inside of his mouth. He waddled over to Lucas and hi-fived him.

"Guys! This is Lucas, my friend. Lucas, this is Renjun, Jaemin and Jeno!" Mark pointed to each person. "aNNYEONG YOROBUN NANEUN LUCAS" (sorry i had to. lol i love lucas)

The three were surprised at his loud voice but still smiled and greeted him back. "What'd y'all got there hm?" Lucas approached them who were eating their own bundle of candy.

Lucas' eyes sparkled once he saw all the food. "Ohmygosh! So many candy! Can I have some please?" The boy asked them. "Sure! We are happily to share since we have alot." Lucas thanked them and started eating on his own while chatting with the others too.

Yuyan got back to her senses and felt that Lucas wasnt there on her palm anymore. She started to panic. "Lucas?!"

Lucas' attention was caught when he heard his name. He looked up and saw that Yuyan was probably looking for him. "Yuyan! I'm down here!" He said loudly enough for her to hear.

Yuyan looked to her bag and saw that Lucas was there, safely eating together with the other small boys. She smiled at the sight.

A/N : i read one of your comments and it said that you wanted all of nct to appear in the book so im slowly tryna do it by starting with jungwoo :D but im not really sure thought if i can add all of them, i mean they are 18 members after all XD

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