t h i r t y t w o

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pls check out the mv, stream and give the boyz some love ♡

Yuyan said thank you to the taxi driver after she paid and got off the car. She held the things she bought in her left hand, Donghyuck and Chenle in her pocket and Jisung on her right hand.

The girl stepped infront of her apartment's door and let Jisung ring the door bell.

Upon hearing the bell, the four small boys inside stopped playing their video games and Zhengting went out of the kitchen to open the door. Justin had came home earlier with Xikan tagging along.

A few moments later, the door swung open and revealed Zhengtin wearing an apron.
"Yuyan! You're back! With three more small people." He giggled a little and stepped aside for the girl to enter.

Yuyan entered and immidiantly saw the four tiny boys on the living room's carpet, Justin and Xikan both sitting in the dining table.

"Hi everyone!" She greeted with a smile. Zhengting closed the door after Yuyan entered and went back to the kitchen to continue his cooking.

The girl removed her shoes, placed all her bags beside the couch, grabbed a soft pillow then laid Jisung carefully on the soft surface. Donghyuck and Chenle followed after but on the couch itself.

Jisung, Donghyuck and Chenle's presence got Mark, Renjun, Jaemin and Jeno's attention.

Mark scanned each person carefully until his eyes landed on Donghyuck. He furrowed his eyebrows. He seems familiar.

After a moment of starring at the younger, Mark's head finally clicked and widened his eyes. "DONGHYUCK?!" He screamed in pure shock.

Hearing his name being called, Donghyuck looked at the older who was on the floor. "MARK!?" He screamed. Hyuck ran and jumped from the couch to Mark. Mark did the same and ran to the latter aswell.

They both finally came in contact and hugged each other tightly.

The remaining five boys just stood there awkwardly and stared at the two interact.

Mark and Donghyuck seperated from each other after a few moments of hugging. "Ya. What are you doing here?" Mark questioned the boy.

Hyuck replied. "Yuyan adopted us and so happen to meet you here too."

Mark was taken aback. "Adopted?! So you're staying here?" Donghyuck nodded.

Speaking of Yuyan, right after she dropped off the three boys, she went to the kitchen to help out Zhengting.

On the way there, she passed Justin and Xikan. "Xikan? What are you doing here?" She asked the boy while washing her hands.

"Justin invited me over. I couldn't say no since I also have nothing to do today." Xikan replied to her question. Yuyan nodded. "You're having dinner with us okay?" She said. "Okay."

After the girl dried off her hands, she approached Zhengting.
"Ge, what are you making? She asked Zhengting who was busy cutting tomatoes.

"I'm making tomatoes and eggs and chicken. You can help me and make scrambled eggs." He said. Yuyan nodded and proceed to make eggs.

The girl grabbed four eggs. She cracked all of them into a bowl and mixed it with a fork. She then grabbed a pan and heated it up. After a few minutes of waiting for the pan to heat up, it finally did. She added a decent amount of cooking oil and then poured the eggs on the pan.

Yuyan grabbed the spatula and lightly mixed the eggs on the pan to scramble it. Zhengting grabbed all the cut tomatoes and dumped it on the pan with the eggs. Yuyan then proceed to fully mix the eggs and tomatoes together. She added some spices along the way to make it taste better.

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