t h i r t y f i v e

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"Dog cafe!"

Yuyan happily said and ran to the cafe. Jaehyun trailed behind her and watched her run in awe.

A bell rang signaling someone opened the door. It was Yuyan who swung open the doors of the cafe with a wide smile. She've always wanted to go to these types of cafe's but never had the time to.

The second she entered, dogs immidiantely rushed to her feet. She cooed and kneeled down to pet them.

Jaehyun soon entered after and was greeted by Yuyan sitting on the floor with dozens of dogs around her. "Yuyan-ah, lets order food first." Yuyan stopped upon hearing her name and looked at Jaehyun. She pouted for a second and stood up. The girl followed him to the counter.

"Hello ma'am, sir. What would you like for today?" The cashier said. "I'll get a slice of cheesecake, pasta and a banana milkshake." Jaehyun said then motioned me to say my order. "I'll get a chicken salad with a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream please." Yuyan smiled at the cashier as he types away their orders.

"That will be ₩6,000 please." The cashier said. Yuyan and Jaehyun both handed out money at the same time which confused the man behind the counter. Jaehyun looked at Yuyan, held her hand and pushed it back down. "I'll pay for today."

Jaehyun ended up paying all of their food.

They picked a table near the window and settled down. A second after they sat down, a small golden retriever approached their table and looked up at Yuyan.


The girl looked down beside her and saw the golden animal. "Aww..you want to be picked up? Okay.." Yuyan smiled and picked up the dog and laid it on her lap.  The dog wagged it's tail, his toungue hanging from her mouth as he looks up at Yuyan.

As Yuyan pets the dog, she noticed a tag hanging on it's neck. She stopped and looked at it. Sookie it read.

"Your name is Sookie? How cute!"

While Yuyan was busy with the dog, Jaehyun placed his arm on the table and rested his head on his palm while watching the girl.

"You're really pretty..." he mumbled quietly for her not to hear. But she did. It was unaudible though.

"What did you say?" Yuyan stopped and looked at Jaehyun after she heard something coming from him but didn't quite hear properly. "Oh? Its nothing." Jaehyun was taken aback. Yuyan shrugged and continued playing with Sookie.

Jaehyun released a sigh. Good thing she didn't hear it properly. I wasn't ready.

Moments later, their food and drinks arrived. Yuyan's eyes lit up upon seeing her meal being served.

"Enjoy your meal."

Both of them started to eat while Sookie laid down beside Yuyan.

Yuyan drank her milkshake and licked the whip cream ontop. Jaehyun looked at her and laughed. "What?" Yuyan asked.

"There's cream on your lip." Jaehyun said. Yuyan went to remove it but completely missed. "Is it gone now?"

Jaehyun shook his head no. He instead reached over and wiped it with his thumb. He licked it off after.

"What the heck man!"

They soon left the cafe after eating and saying bye to Sookie.

Jaehyun then took her to the ice skating rink that just opened.

"Wah! I've always wanted to skating!" Yuyan exitedly said. Jaehyun smiled in satisfaction. "Well, you can finally skate now."

They both bought tickets and is now in the area where they will fit ice skating shoes.

Jaehyun just finished putting his own pair while Yuyan had difficulties with hers. He saw she struggled so he stood up, kneeled down infront of her and tied the shoes for her instead. "There, done."

Yuyan shyly looked up at him. "Thank you.." Jaehyun looked down at the seated girl and smiled widely with his dimples showing.

The boy helped her stand up. Then they now entered the rink itself.

Jaehyun stood in the ice steadily while Yuyan was struggling to even stand properly. He laughed at the sight of her trying so hard to stand up properly but kept on wobbling.

Yuyan was about to fall over but Jaehyun was in time and held her up. "I'll teach you how to skate okay?" He said and held her hands. She was blushing at the contact of their hands. "Okay.."

"So you push your feet against the ice like this." Jaehyun stayed beside her still holding her hand and showed her how to do it. Yuyan followed him and eventually got it.

Jaehyun let go of her hand and let her try and skate on her own. Yuyan carefully pushed her feet against the ice and moved. She was happy she isn't wobbling anymore and can actually skate!

"That's it! You got it!" Jaehyun cheered and clapped at her. Yuyan smiled and skated forward. Jaehyun followed after and catched up to her. But as soon as Yuyan got farther from him, she started to wobble again and loose her balance.

"Woah!" She yelped and fell on the ice. Her butt now wet and cold because of the ice. "Yuyan!" He skated towards her and helped her up. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Yuyan held his hand fir support and dusted off the ice off her pants. "I'm fine. It's okay."

Jaehyun didn't trust her skating alone so they skated together. Their hands connected as they skate around the rink.

They joked around while skating. Yuyan accidentally hit Jaehyun's shoulder and caused him to loose balance and fall. They both just laughed it off and Yuyan helped him get up after.

The sky was starting to get dark and Yuyan had to go home.

Jaehyun took her back home and now stood outside of the building. "Thank you for today. I really had fun." Yuyan said and looked at Jaehyun with a smile. "I did too and I hope we do this again." Jaehyun replied back.

"I'll go now. Thanks again!" Yuyan waved at him and started to leave.


Yuyan turned around to look at Jaehyun but was met with a pair of lips that pecked her forehead. Jaehyun kissed her.

He pulled away and looked at Yuyan. "I'll see you soon." Jaehyun smiled and finally left leaving Yuyan standing there smiling like an idiot.

Jaehyun just kissed me!

hi guys! christmas break started and i can finally update normally again! thank you all for waiting ♡

THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE SPECIAL! why? because you get to choose what you want to happen!

yes, you get to comment anything you want yuyan and the boys will do and i'll add it to the chapter!

deadline will be on the 21st of december and i'll publish the chapter.

EDIT : do yall want Justin in the next chapter or just Yuyan and the boys?

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