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ohmygod- jaehyun!

yes thats me heh

but how did you get my number though? i dont remember me giving it to you..

i have my ways ;)



then what?? if you wont tell me i will never consider meeting you again >:(

okay okay! i'll tell you -.-
while you were distracted talking to lucas, i grabbed your phone and copied your number.

sneaky lil boi
you could've just asked me you know??

yeah but- its complicated

what tf is complicated about just asking me for a damn number

idk just shy i guess

what- jaehyun, shy?!?!?! nope not happening


A loud thunder sound suddenly can he heard which scared the girl and stopped her from seeing Jaehyun's message.

It made her think of the four boys outside. They might be scared. She hurriedly unlocked the door and dashed to the boys' desk.

When she approached, Yuyan saw the three boys surrounding one of them. They seemed to feel Yuyan's presence and looked behind their backs with concerned faces.

"Whats wrong?" She asked, worried. Jaemin and Jeno stepped aside to reveal Renjun sitting down with him hugging knees and his head down. He was crying.

Mark then explained, "Well, we were talking about random stuff and then suddenly the loud thunder interrupted us. Renjun covered his ears and started crying out of nowhere." He sounded tense while explaining. Why wouldn't someone be worried when their friend suddenly started crying out of the blue?

Yuyan eyes then adverted from Mark, to the crying boy. She felt the gloominess radiating from Renjun. The girl was heartbroken seeing his state.

"Renjun?" She asked softly and kneeled down at the height of the table. "Whats wrong?" Hearing the girl's voice, Renjun slowly raised head to face the concerned girl.

The boy was covered in tears. His hair was dishelved and his lips
quivered. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Instead, it was a sob.

Yuyan took it as a sign that he didn't have the energy to talk yet so she just let him be. She stood up. "Jeno, Jaemin and Mark please get ready for bed. For Jeno and Jaemin, you can sleep on Renjun's bed and one sleeps on the floor. Mark, give them your extra pajamas and also help them prepare a bed on the floor. I placed all those things in a drawer there." Yuyan ordered them and they obeyed and went to do their assigned tasks.

As for Renjun, the boy now calmed down abit and sat down criss-cross. But the roaring sounds of the thunderstorm happening outside didn't obviously stop.

A loud thunder erupted which caused Renjun to flinch and cover his ears, tears threatening to fall again.

Yuyan carefully picked up Renjun in her hands and caressed his back slowly, in attempt to calm him down. She sat down on the bed.

After a few moments, Renjun calmed down and stopped crying.
Yuyan just stared at the boy who was dozing out.

Renjun suddenly spoke. "I am like this because.."


Renjun sat on the window with his knees against his chest. Watching the heavy rain pour down.

He was waiting for his owner to come back. It was his birthday and she promised to celebrate it with him today. But it seems she was a little late.

5:58 PM

Its already dark outside. She was supposed to be back home an hour ago, yet she still isn't here.

Renjun can wait. She's just a little late, she will come back.

7:43 PM

Hours passed and she still isn't here. He started to get anxious.

8:37 PM

That's it. He was done waiting. Renjun left her room and went down to the livingroom. He decided to watch tv and just eat his birthday cake alone.

As he was watching, the news suddenly came in which caught his attention.

19 year old girl was found dead inside her car. It was reported that while driving on a very unsteady road, her car slipped and crashed onto huge rock. Glass was shattered and pierced onto her head and body. She was pronounced dead on the scene.

Renjun heart raced. It showed pictures of the car and it looked very familiar to him.

"It can't be.." Renjun stopped eating. Thoughts coming into his mind very rapidly.

Is she dead?

Is it really true?

What will I do know?

This can't be happening.

It finally sinked in him.

She's dead.

End of Flashback

Renjun was forced to leave his only home. No one took care of him. He had no choice but to live alone. Thunderstorms became a nightmare to him. Whenever it happens, flashbacks from this memory comes to him and haunts the boy.

Not until Yuyan found him. He had to lie and say that his owner kicked him out since he wasn't that comfortable with her finding out the truth yet.

[A/N : hello guys, hope you liked this chapter! sorry for the long wait and any grammar or spelling mistakes :( im curious, where do yall live? 🤔 im from the philippines!]

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