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After they all ate, Zhengting and Justin stayed in the living room and played video games while waiting for Yuyan. She's the one who said to both of them to wait for her and they did.

"Mark and Renjun! Come here." Yuyan called out to the two boys. They both stopped what they were doing and approached the girl, confused as to why she suddenly called them.

"You called?" Mark asked. She smiled and said, "I have a surprise for both of you, come on!" They became excited as they heard the word 'surprise'. Mark and Renjun happily hopped on her palm, wondering what kind of surprise she had.

Yuyan then went up the stairs to her room. But before entering, she instructed then to cover their eyes. They were curious onto why since it was just a 'small' surprise but obeyed anyways.

Seeing as they both cover their eyes, Yuyan took the signal and finally entered her room.

"Okay, open them!" She excitedly annouced and squealed a little at how happy she was to be able to see their reactions as to what she did for them.

As soon as as Mark and Renjun opened their eyes, the two widened their eyes and gasped at the sight.


Yuyan giggled and let them down on the desk. The two happy boys immediately run to their own rooms and started to look around the new items placed.

Alot of 'wows' and 'oh my gosh' can be heard from the two as Yuyan quietly watches them, a big grin plastered on her face.

After a few moments, the now satisfied girl bends down a little just to match her height with the table.

Mark and Renjun stopped and approached Yuyan, running to her with big and happy smiles on their faces.

"THANK YOU!!!" They both loudly said and kissed her cheeks. Mark on the left and Renjun on the right.

Yuyan giggles at them and how cute they are. "Your welcome!"

"I'll leave you guys here for a bit and I'll come back. Thanks for liking what I did" She laughs slightly, the two smile and nod.

Yuyan exited the room and proceed to walk down to the living room and go back to where Justin and Zhengting was.

"Suuuup guuuys" Yuyan sat down beside Zhengting, who just lost a game to Justin, and Justin who was laughing hard on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" Yuyan asked Zhengting as she saw him pout like a baby and crossed his arms. "Justin cheated and I lost because of him!" He whined.

Justin stopped laughing a bit only to say something. "I did not! You just suck at it"

Zhengting rolled his eyes at the younger's comment.

"Anyways, Yuyan! How've you been? What's going on with your life while in Korea?" Zhengting then turned his attention to the girl sitting beside him.

The girl shrugged. "Nothing interesting. I just moved into this apartment because mom wanted me to."

Zhengting tilted his head, "How about school? Its Thursday today. Don't you have classes?" He asked.

Yuyan snickered and replied to his question. "The principal said no classes for 5 days because something happened to the school but I dont really give a single damn about that. I'm just glad that there isn't classes."

It was Yuyan's turn to ask. "How about you? How long are you staying here in Korea?"

Zhengting thought about that for a moment.

He didn't really think about that situation at all. All the thought about was going here and not about coming back to China. "I'm not really sure, I'll probably come back anytime I want or I'll think about an exact date to come back. Just, not now."

Suddenly, a sound of a toy car and little screams fills the three of their ears.

Their attention was now went to the small vehicle running around with two happy boys in it.

"This is so fun!" Renjun says. The small car approaches Zhengting and stops below his feet.

"Yuyan! Can we drive this outside around the park please???" Mark begs.

Upon hearing the request, Yuyan hesitates a little, but evetually agrees and the two small boys happily cheer and hi-five eachother. "YES!"

The three of then chuckle at how Mark and Renjun interact with eachother.

After a few minutes, the five of them were ready to go. As soon as Justin opens the front door, Mark speeds up in his car and exits the house in a flash.

Yuyan panics and runs after them, seeing that they were close to the road already.

She grabs the small car with the two and backs off as a speeding truck comes by.

She looks down on them.

"Yah! Be careful! You both could've died!" Yuyan then places them back on the ground this time, on the safe sidewalk.

"Drive slower and carefully. We will be behind you." Yuyan says to Mark and he mentally noted to himself and start moving forward.

Zhengting and Justin catch up to Yuyan and goes beside her as they walk behind the two small boys in a small car, leading the way to the nearby park.

"Onto the park we go!!"

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