Chapter Fourteen: Expected Confrontations

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Eliza smiled as she hugged her best friend, it had been ages since she had seen Nicole and she had missed her; Sergio watched his wife as she greeted her friend, he thought that she looked beautiful in her black V-neck dress with gathered waist paired black heeled sandals.

“It’s good to see you again,” Eliza said smiling at Nicole who grinned as looked at her friend excitedly, she had worried that the blonde wasn’t going to make it; she knew that Eliza nod had a lot going on right now.

“I can’t believe you actually made it… and you’re pregnant,” Nicole teased as she rested a hand on the bump that Eliza now carried; Sergio grinned proudly as he moved closer to his wife and rested a hand on the small of her back.

The blonde bit back a grin as she glanced at her husband, she knew that he loved it when people spoke about their unborn child

“Nicole… you know my husband,” Eliza said making the brunette look at the werewolf, she nodded her head a little stunned that a werewolf was at her wedding.

Sergio smiled at her, he had heard a lot about Nicole when he had Lord Calvin keep an eye on Eliza; she was one of the blonde’s true friends and he was grateful that Eliza had a friend like that.

“It’s nice to meet you and if you ever hurt Eliza then I’ll kill you myself,” Nicole said seriously making Eliza stare at her best friend as if she was nuts; you didn't threatened a werewolf no matter who you were.

Sergio chuckled as he nodded his head, he had expected that from Nicole; he knew how much Eliza meant to her and wasn’t about to mess this up now that everything seemed to be going so well.

“Just a little warning… there is a chance that your parents could show, I didn't invite them but my Mare did,” Nicole said making Eliza nod her head stiffly at the thought of seeing her parents again; she should have known that there was a chance of running into her parents today; they were close friends of Nicole’s parents.


Nicole’s wedding to Keegan had been beautiful, it was a large wedding at one of the local hotels in the capital; it had made Eliza had been grateful that her own wedding had been a quiet affair.

However the blonde hadn’t been happy when she had spotted her parents, she felt Sergio rested a hand on her back as he glared at the couple; who for the most part had stayed away from them.

It was coming to the end of the evening when Eliza’s mother approached them, Sergio glared at her as she looked at her daughter hopefully; it was clear that she was after something.

“Eliza it’s good to see you sweetheart,” Tanya said as she smiled at Eliza, a couple of people looked at the interact before going back to what they were doing; everyone knew what had happened between the family and they knew that Tanya wasn’t going to get the reunion that she wanted from her children.

“What is it you want Mrs. Copas?” Sergio asked as he rested a comforting hand on Eliza’s hip, he glared at the woman that had treated his wife so poorly and now expected the blonde did do things for her.

Tanya stared at the werewolf for a moment a little stunned that he had been the one to speak to her; she licked her lips as she looked at her daughter, who ignored her completely.

“I want to speak with my daughter,” Tanya said making Eliza glance at her, the blonde rested against Sergio slightly knowing that there was only so much talking back that Sergio would take.

“Mrs. Copas... I believe my wife has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you or your husband,” Sergio said as Jorge prepared to remove Tanya away from the couple; it was clear that she was starting to annoy the werewolf.

The brunette pursed her lips as she looked at the werewolf; she didn't like that he was speaking to her when she wanted to talk to her daughter.

“Stop putting words into her mouth, I want to speak with my daughter away from you,” Tanya spat as she glared at Sergio, Eliza looked at her mother disgusted; she couldn't believe that she had the guts to even be near her right now after what she had done.

“He’s not putting words into my mouth… I don’t want anything to do with you or him,” Eliza said calmly making her mother stare at her shocked; she opened her mouth to protest before Sergio signalled for Jorge to lead Tanya away from them.

The brunette stared at him as Jorge led her away, she couldn't believe that she wasn’t being allowed to speak with her daughter; a daughter that didn't want to speak with her. Eliza took a deep breath as Sergio dropped his lips to her ear.

“Do you want to leave?” Sergio asked her softly, the blonde nodded her head as she glanced at her father; it was clear that this was far from over.


Stepping into their hotel room, Eliza sighed as she sat down on the bed so that she could take off her heels; Sergio watched her carefully knowing that seeing her parents had taken its toll on her.

“You okay?” the werewolf asked as he moved closer to his wife, she nodded her head as she rested hand on her stomach; she didn't know what to think about seeing her parents now that she had learnt the truth.

“Eliza por favor,” Sergio murmured as he knelt down in front of her and rested a hand on her stomach, he smiled up at her softly as he felt their unborn child’s movements.

The blonde licked her lips as she looked at her husband, she knew that he was worried; she hadn’t really spoken to him on the way home and seemed to be lost in thought.

“I’m okay… it was weird seeing them again, I just have this bad feeling now,” Eliza said softly making Sergio nod his head; he’d also picked up on that feeling when Tanya had said that she wanted to speak with Eliza alone, it was clear that they were up to something.

“I won’t let anything happen to you or the baby… I promise Eliza,” Sergio said as he pushed himself up to kiss her lips, he grinned at the movement from the baby; there was only eleven weeks left of her pregnancy and he knew that they would pass quickly.

“What do you think we are having?” Eliza asked softly as she rested her head against her husband’s, she watched his hand caress the bump knowing that he was thinking about the baby.

“I think it’ll be a girl… though I don’t mind really,” Sergio said as he kissed her lips again, the blonde nodded her head as she closed her eyes; they hadn’t really thought about names and it was clear that it was something that they were going to have to think of.

“I love you,” Sergio said as he cupped her face, his brown eyes searching hers, she licked her lips before she kissed his lips; she knew that he was worried about her pregnancy even if everything was going well so far.

“I love you too,” Eliza murmured as she pulled back slightly, Sergio grinned before he kissed her again; he didn't know what Tanya and Brendan were up to but he wasn’t going to let anything happen to Eliza or the baby.

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