Chapter Fifteen: More than One

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Sergio grinned as he kissed his wife as they waited to be called to see the midwife; they would learn what they were expecting and how many Eliza was pregnant with.

Sergio rested a hand on the blonde’s bump, she was currently twelve weeks pregnant and he couldn't wait to learn what she was having.

“How are you feeling?” Sergio asked as he nuzzled his head discreetly against Eliza’s, he couldn't believe that she was this far into her pregnancy and that they only had a couple of months left.

Eliza kissed his lips as she rested her head against his, she closed her eyes content as she felt Sergio rest a hand on her stomach and caress the ever expanding skin.

It was clear that she was carrying more than one child, the blonde was wearing a grey maternity T-shirt in acid wash and maternity acid wash jean paired with black show boots; the blonde was starting to dress more comfortable as her pregnancy continued.

Kathryn frowned as she spotted Eliza and Sergio; the werewolf offered her a warning look, he wasn’t going to allow her to upset his wife again.

“It’s nice to see you both again Lord and Lady Ramos,” Kathryn said professionally, she had been warned about what she had said last time and Sergio wasn’t going to allow it to happen twice.

The couple followed the midwife into the examination room, Kathryn licked her lips as she glanced at the swell of Eliza’s stomach; she only had a couple more scans before she was due and then she would be on her own for the birth.

Kathryn went about with the normal check overs, she knew that Sergio was watching her knowing that she couldn't attempt anything without risking her own life; she hated that he had found Eliza and wished that he would have chosen her over the blonde.

“Everything looks healthy so far… we’ll do the scan now and see what is happening inside,” Kathryn said making Eliza nod her head, she glanced at Sergio who was watching the midwife closely; she knew that he didn't like Kathryn right now but she was the only option for them as a midwife.

The scan went like it had the first time, Eliza felt Sergio brushed his fingers against her hand as Kathryn scanned her stomach as two strong heartbeats filled the room; the werewolf smiled as he looked at his wife.

“Twins… one boy and one girl,” Kathryn confirmed as she looked at Sergio, her own heart aching as she realised that she would never have him. Eliza grinned as she looked at her husband, she had a feeling that it was going to be one of each; she also had a feeling that their daughter would be born first.

“They both look completely healthy,” Kathryn confirmed attempting to keep the bitterness from her voice as she looked at Sergio, she couldn't believe that he was going to be a father; she had always thought that it would be her that made him so and not someone else.


“We are having twins,” Sergio murmured as he kissed Eliza, his hand resting on the swell of her stomach; the blonde nodded her head as he deepened the kiss before there was a knock at the door.

Eliza stepped back from her husband, she knew if she didn't break the kiss then he wouldn’t answer the door; the blonde flashed Sergio a smile before she slipped away knowing that Edward would want to speak with her husband alone.

The blonde settled herself into one of the library’s, she had started to prepare herself for her solo labour; she knew that she wouldn’t have any help and would be expected for the most part to deliver the twins by herself with some help from Mirian and Vania.

Curling up with her favourite book, Eliza ignored her maid-servant who hovered close by; Natasha had become more protective over the blonde as her pregnancy had progressed, Eliza had a feeling that it was Sergio’s doing.

Natasha bowed her head as she hurried out of the room as Sergio walked into the library; he smiled softly at the sight of his wife as he moved to join her.

Sergio nuzzled his head against hers, he knew that she wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her; he wished that he didn't have to leave for Madrid but there were a couple of things that he had to deal with.

“I have to go to Madrid for a week,” Sergio said making Eliza look at him, the two of them had never been parted in the three and a half months of their marriage; she didn't know what it would be like not to have Sergio with her for a week.

“If there was a way around it I wouldn’t be going… however there has been a couple of problems and I am needed,” Sergio said making it clear that he couldn't take her with him; he knew that she was curious but he didn't want to upset her with the news that he had just received.

“Eliza, I need you to promise me that you won’t leave the manor,” Sergio said as he brushed some hair from her face; the blonde licked her lips as she realised that this was serious, she nodded her head as Sergio sighed and pressed a kiss to her lips.

“I’ll explain when I return Eliza, I promise you,” the werewolf said as she watched him, he could see that she wanted to know what was going on but he couldn't bear to tell her right now.


Tanya licked her lips as she looked at her husband, she knew that they were going to get into a lot of trouble for what they were planning but they were out of options; Eliza didn't want them in her life and it was clear that she now knew what they had done.

“Is everything in place?” Tanya asked as Brendan continued to pack things into a bag, she watched him nervously knowing that if this went wrong then it wasn’t just his life that would be at risk.

Brendan nodded his head as he glared at his wife, he hated that she thought that he wasn’t able to pull this off without her; it was the only reason that his wife had come with him.

“For the last time Tanya, yes… I have everything in order,” Brendan snapped making his wife glare at him; tensions were running high between the couple, now that Eliza was aware of what had happened they knew that there was a chance that Evan also knew.

Losing both of their children to the werewolves had been hard for the couple since they hadn't gained anything like they had hoped; when Eliza had married Lord Ramos, they thought they’d be living in riches as they had been promised by Lord Torres until they had learnt that she belong to another wolf.

“We can’t get this wrong Brendan… if we lose this chance then we are finished; Ramos won’t let this go after we have made an attempt on Eliza,” Tanya said bitterly as she thought of her daughter, she hated that the blonde had turned her back on her parents who had done everything for her.

Brendan sighed as he nodded his head, he knew just as much as his wife that if this went wrong then there was no coming back; Ramos would murder them if he learnt what they had planned for his wife and unborn child.

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