Chapter Twenty-Two: Evan Copas Trejo

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Evan Copas glared up at the manor where his entire life had collapsed around him; he hated the fact that because of one werewolf and one small mistake made by his father and his entire life was gone.

“Copas?” Lord Casillas asked softly, he had tried to talk him out of making this trip but as soon as the news had broken that Eliza had given birth to twins; Evan had wanted to see his sister in person.

Of course, he had seen pictures of her in the papers and on the television; but he needed to know why she was allowing this werewolf to take advantage of her, he didn't believe the lies that he was being told and he hoped his sister didn't either.

Lord Casillas sighed knowing that there wasn’t anything he could do to convince Evan that his parents had betrayed him and his sister in the worst possible way.

The two werewolves headed inside, members of Lord Ramos staff looked at them warily as they entered the manor before they were led to the office were Sergio was sorting things out.

Entering the office, Iker glanced at the young werewolf that was by his side before he turned his attention to Sergio; he nodded at the other werewolf, he knew that his friend wasn’t happy about this.

“Lord Casillas, Copas,” Sergio said nodding at the two of them, he eyed the younger werewolf warily wondering what he hoped to achieve by coming to his home; he didn't know why Evan would risk coming near Eliza knowing that he would do anything to protect her.

Staring at the werewolf that had nearly ended his human life, Evan felt hatred bubble in the back of his mind; he couldn't believe that his sister was married to this werewolf.

“Where’s Eliza?” Evan asked annoyed that he hadn't been brought straight to see the brunette, instead he had to deal with his brother-in-law; he wanted to make sure that she was alright. Sergio stared at the younger werewolf for a moment.

“Lady Ramos is with the twins… she shall be here shortly,” Sergio responded as he ignored the snarl that Evan gave at Eliza’s title; he knew that Evan wasn’t happy with his marriage to Eliza but he hoped that she might be able to convince him of the truth.


Eliza took a deep breath as she stepped into her husband’s office, she knew what awaited her when she entered the office and she was a little nervous about being away from the twins right now.

Evan’s attention snapped to the blonde as she entered the room, he hated to admit it but she looked a lot better than the last time that he had seen her; she held an air of confidence about her that she hadn't had before.

“Evan,” Eliza said softly as she looked at her brother, Sergio had told her a little of what to expect when she came face to face with Evan for the first time in several months.

Evan glanced bitterly at Sergio, who was watching him; he knew that he wouldn’t be left alone with his older sister but he needed to talk to her privately.

“How have you been?” Eliza asked as she noticed Sergio moving closer to her, she knew that he was concerned that Evan could lose his temper and turn on her if she said the wrong thing to him. The young werewolf sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

“How do you think I’ve been? I was taken from my home, my sister was married off to some strange werewolf and our parents have abandoned us,” Evan snapped making Eliza look at him sadly.

She knew that he was having a hard time but he had been safer in Madrid than he would have been if he had stayed with her; she hoped that he would believe her when she told him that their parents hadn't just abandoned them but had betrayed them.

“How can you be okay with this?” Evan asked as he felt something replacing the anger that he felt, he stared up at his sister wondering how she could be happy with someone who had stolen her from her life back in Andorra. Eliza blinked as she stared at her brother for a moment.

“Evan… Madre and Padre, they betrayed us; if I could show you the horrible things they had put me through then I would,” the blonde said as she spotted Lord Casillas leaving the room.

Evan stared at his sister for a moment; he couldn't believe that she had been taken in by the lies that the werewolves had told her, he couldn't believe that she was being so stupid.

“They’ve spent the last two years trying to sell me off to the highest bidder… if it weren’t for Lord Ramos then you’d never see me again,” Eliza said making Evan stare at her, he didn't want to believe what he was hearing but he knew that his sister had no reason to lie to him about this.

The blonde stepped towards her brother, her brown eyes searching his as her husband made a soft noise under his breath; he didn't want her getting any closer incase Evan attacked her.

“Evan, he’s my soul mate…” Eliza said as Sergio moved to stand next to her, he watched the younger werewolf worried how he would take the news; Evan licked his lips as he tried to wrap his head around what his sister was saying. However neither of the couple were prepared for what Evan did next.

“Have you been brainwashed? It’s extremely rare for a werewolf to find his soul mate, I doubt that he’s yours,” Evan spat bitterly as he took a step towards Eliza.

Sergio snarled warningly as he looked at the younger werewolf, he knew that it was hard to believe that Eliza was his soul mate but she was and he wasn’t about to allow him to threaten the blonde.

“Evan por favor,” Eliza breathed as she watched her brother, she had never lied to him and couldn't believe that he didn't believe what she was telling him; he snarled under his breath making the blonde swallow as she realised that this wasn’t going to end well.

“Go back to the pups,” Sergio ordered as his eyes remained trained on Evan, he wasn’t about to risk her safety and hoped that she was going to do as she was asked.

Eliza nodded her head as she backed towards the door, she wasn’t about to leave the twins without a mother; she would wait until Sergio had dealt with her brother before she spoke with him.

“You need to wake up Eliza, he’s got what he wants from you… now you’re nothing important to him,” Evan called after her as she left the room, however as soon as Eliza had closed the door after her; Sergio had slammed him into the wall.

Evan smirked as he looked at the fury that burnt in the older werewolf’s eyes, he knew that he was getting under Sergio’s skin; he had hoped that Eliza would have been in the room to see this.

“I love your sister, I have since the moment that I laid eyes on her and I would never hurt her,” Sergio snarled as he dropped the younger werewolf to the floor; he hadn't liked his parting words to Eliza and he knew that they would cause them trouble sooner or later.

“You may have fooled Eliza… but I will show her what sort of person that she is married to and then I look forward to watching you fall,” Evan said making Sergio stare at him, a horrible feeling suddenly settling into his stomach as he realised that Evan had something planned.

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