Chapter Nineteen: Back in Andalusia

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Lord Hassan had been more than happy than to allow Eliza to leave with Sergio; he had been terrified that the Spanish werewolf might murder him if he didn't allow the pregnant blonde to leave with him.

The couple had just returned to Andalusia and Sergio was a little more relaxed now that he had his wife safely home with him, the finally few weeks of pregnancy were upon them and they both knew that their babies were going to arrive soon.

“How are feeling?” Sergio asked for what felt like the hundredth time, Eliza rolled her eyes as she looked at her husband amused knowing that he was only concerned about her; she kissed his lips as he rested a hand on her swollen stomach.

“I’m fine… a little tired but I’m okay,” Eliza said as she reassured him, he nodded his head before he nuzzled it against hers; it was now the beginning of October and Sergio was a little more busy than usual.

The blonde closed her eyes as she listened to the comforting sound of her husband purring, she knew that he wanted her to rest before the twins were born but she couldn't bring herself to do so in case she found herself without him again.

“Eliza?” the werewolf murmured as he looked at the blonde, he knew that she was going to become slightly clingy and that she needed her rest before the twins were born.

Eliza looked up at him for a moment before she wrapped her arms around him; Sergio chuckled as he held her close for a moment knowing that she would soon settle down.

“You need your rest amor,” Sergio said as he brushed a strand of hair from her face, he was pleased to see her wearing her wedding ring and necklace again; Lord Hassan had been quick to return them when he realised that he had no rights to the blonde.

“I don’t want to, I want to spend time with my husband,” Eliza said as she cuddled herself into Sergio’s chest; he smiled softly as he ran a hand through her hair before shaking his head amused.

The blonde closed her eyes content making Sergio chuckle as he watched her for a moment, he knew that this was the pregnancy hormones making her act this way; Vania hadn't allowed Rene out of her sight when she hit the last three weeks of her pregnancy.

“You know that I am needed amor… why don’t you rest and when I’m done, I will join you in our bedroom,” Sergio said as he gently pushed her away from him, he licked his lips as she offered him a small hurt look before he kissed her lips; he had an art festival coming up and he had to work on a speech.

Eliza moved to wrap her hands around Sergio’s neck to deepen the kiss but he stopped her and offered her a small amused smile.

“Later,” he promised making the blonde nod her head before she headed off to their bedroom.


Sergio raised an eyebrow at his wife as he found her dressed in her blue woven stripe nightshirt; he watched her for a moment wondering what she was doing as she started to pad out the bottom of their bedroom closet.

“Eliza, what are you doing?” Sergio asked as she continued to make the floor of the closet comfortable with their bed sheets, pillows and bathroom towels; the blonde paused what she was doing and looked at her husband surprised as if she had not heard him enter the bedroom.

The werewolf watched his pregnant wife for a moment as she made herself comfortable on the small mound of items that she had gathered and arranged inside of the closet; once she was settled she turned her attention back to Sergio, who was looking at her amused.

“I think it’s called nesting,” Eliza said softly as she rested a hand on the swell of her stomach, Sergio stared at her a little stunned that she had started to prepare for the birth of the twins; he knew that if she was nesting now then she would be preparing a den for when she went into labour and it would be where the twins would spend the first few weeks of their life.

The werewolf licked his lips as he approached his wife; they both knew what this meant if she was starting to slowly prepare for this now, Sergio hoped that she knew what would happen when she finally gave birth to their children.

After the twins were born, Eliza would remain in the den that she had created until they were old enough to be moved elsewhere; the twins and Eliza would be completely reliant on Sergio to not only protect them but to ensure that they had everything that they needed.


Watching his wife sleep peacefully curled by his side, Sergio watched over her contently as he listened to the healthy sound of the twins beating hearts; he knew that in three weeks’ time that they would be making their way into the world.

Fighting back a yawn as he closed his eyes tiredly, Sergio wrapped himself carefully around his wife; his back facing the opening of the den that she had created so that he could protect her against anything that might come their way.

The werewolf opened his eyes as a sound reached his sensitive ears, he glanced down at Eliza who remained completely unaware of anything that was out of the ordinary; she cuddled closer as Sergio glanced over his shoulder, knowing that it was the maids wandering the halls.

Shaking his head at how tense he was being, he closed his eyes again in hopes of settling down for the night while he had the chance.

Sergio was only to aware at how stressful having newborn pups was, Rene had struggled with the changes that having Daniella and Daphne had brought when they had been born.

The werewolf allowed himself to settle for a moment next to his wife, he knew that he wasn’t going to get a lot of sleep now that she had built herself a den; his instincts were in control and they were determined to make sure that she was well protected and comfortable before the birth.

Sergio opened his brown eyes as Eliza made a small noise of discomfort in her sleep, her head was resting on his arm and her body pressed warmly against his chest as he watched her move to make herself a little more comfortable.

The werewolf was only to aware that she was now stretched to capacity; the twins were still growing inside of her and while they were due in a short while, they would remain inside of their mother until the time was right.

Sergio yawned as he drew Eliza closer so that she wouldn’t get cold, he hoped that everything would be okay when she went into labour; he dreaded the thought of being away from her while she brought his children into the world.

Eliza made another small noise making him look down at her and smile as she cuddled into his side, she nuzzled her head into his neck allowing him to rest a hand on the swell of her stomach.

Sergio felt the twins move against his hand before he closed his eyes again in an attempt to get a little sleep before the morning came and he started to prepare for the coming birth of his children.

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