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remove them   /    06.07.18

my lungs fill with sand
as failed attempts to grasp air
come from my body.
I feel the ground shaking
beneath me in silence.

my mind winces at
the thoughts pouring from me
and I feel frightened for
I do not understand
why these thoughts linger.

my body feels tired
and yet restless. I want to
move but I cannot.
I am heavy with an emotion
I do not fully comprehend.

"these are my bad thoughts," I say
to myself, "do not think these
bad thoughts." and so
I try to stop myself from hearing
the words I long to push away.
I do not control when these
thoughts come to me, they appear
when I am most vulnerable.

"these are not truly bad thoughts,"
I tell myself confidently, trying
to reassure myself that
I see them as this because they
frighten me. they fill me and
they are something I cannot stand.

please remove me of
my bad thoughts.

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