chapter 7

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********Authors Note********

THANKS FOR READING, you guys are our shnukumbears. So shnukumbears vote and comment(: like seriously comment some things you want to see in the book or something running out of ideas!!!(:


    I ran around my room after I got out of the shower frantically trying to find something nice to wear considering he said we are going somewhere fancy. I had already curled my hair and did my make up. Now I was throwing everything that was in my closet, on my floor trying to find something nice. Although this was a plan to get back at Harry, Kevin was still extremely grogeous, and I didn't want to look bad.  Besides, if I looked good, then it would only make Harry more jealous.

   After another twenty minutes searching for something acceptible, I found it. A short, white cocktail dress that was very form fitting. It had long sleaves that were flowing and slit from the rist to my sholders. I paired the dress with a black necklace and earings. I slipped on my black stileto pumps, and I checked myself in the mirror. Once again, I felt like I looked good, and I slowly walked down the stairs. I had already told Niall about the date, and now I just had to face Harry.

   As I was walking out of my room, Harry came out of the bathroom, and I ran straight into him. I closed my eyes, but I opened them feeling two strong arms around my waist. "Wow.", is all Harry managed to get out of his mouth. I stepped back and Harry immediately scanned his eyes up and down my body. "Where are you going dressed like that?", he said a little annoyed.

"Why Styles, I have a date of course." Then, I walked off and, I flipped my hair, and looked over to see Harry glarring down at the floor. He ran over to me and grabbed my wrist.

"W-with who?", he said with an obvious hurt in his voice.

"Well, not that it matters to you, but my new pal Kevin. I met him at Starbucks.", I said smirking.

"That name sounds like a creepy name.", he said looking into my eyes.

"Well my dear Harry...", I said brushing my hand against his cheek and bringing my lips oh so close to his, "He's not." With that, I turned around on my heel and heard him sigh.

    I had givin Kevin my address over text, and he told me he was on his way. There was a knock on the door, and Niall jumped up to get it before I could even protest. "Hey man, so where are you taking my sister?", he said. He only ever turned serious when it came to me and boys.

"Just taking her out to eat at this nice restraunt. It's kinda like a ball type thing my family is having tonight." Wow, already meeting his family? It seemed like it was going a little to fast because he was just taking me somewhere fancy.

"Alright man, well, see ya later then Jaycee.", Niall said ringing threw my ears.

   We pulled up to an absolutley gorgeous bullding. It was old looking, with a gold ficture, and brick walls. As I walked in, waitors were carrying around trays of champagne and other drinks that I definatley wasn't old enough to drink, so I went for some water. Kevin pulled me over to a table where a man and woman were sitting. The man's hair was starting to gray and he had wrinkles, but  he still managed to look handsom and very proper. The woman was very beautiful. Her blonde hair was falling down her back and her perfect smile was shinning through her red lips.

    ", this is the girl I was talking about. Her name is Jaycee.", he said smiling down at the two older people. "Jaycee, this is my mum and dad." Okay now this was moving to fast.

"We have heard so much about you dear!", Kevins mum said smiling at the two of us. Within a day he had already told his mum and father about us? This was a little strange.

Moments Like These (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now