chapter 15

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This was the moment I have been waiting for since the day I met Harry, it was a surprise how he did it, and I love him for that, but I would have been fine with sitting at home and he asked me, because either way we would have been together. 

Most people know who I am considering I am Niall's sister, a lot of people liked me, but I had a lot of people that didn't like me at all, and those people were 'booing' and hissing in the crowd, my 'fans' were clapping and saying 'aww.'

 "Alright, no need to be rude, Jaycee is a beautiful girl, and I don't deserve her, so please be nice, being rude and jealous, won't get us to break up, thank you" and with that Harry put his microphone down, and walked off the stage taking my hand into his, he led us back down to the tables and we sat down, he leaned over brushing his lips against my ear,

"I love you Jaycee," and there it was, something I have known, but not admitted to my self, but the difference is Harry had the guts to say it to me, while I couldn't even bring myself to say it when I'm alone,

"I love you to Haz" I said doing the same brushing my lips against his ear, he shivered, and I leaned back smirking.

    After the awards we got back into our limo, Harry sat next to me, and intertwined our fingers, it felt so right, finally being able to call him my boyfriend, he is amazing in every way, and I don't think I deserve him, not one bit.

*******Harry's POV*********

    When I asked her to be my girlfriend, I didn't think she would say yes, she was perfect, amazing, everything anyone could ever need, funny, smart, beautiful, sweet, caring, and when she just stood there for a moment, I thought she was trying to think of a way to say 'no' I put so much thought into my simple way of asking her the question.

   As soon as I heard people 'booing' my heart sank, I knew that Jaycee could care less, she was strong and knew what people say coudln't do anything to her, but I'm not that way, and especially when it comes to someone I love.

    Now here we were, sitting in the car with our fingers twisted together, and her head resting on my shoulder, everything felt right in the world, and I was thankful we had a full year off of touring, I don't think I could leave Jaycee so soon, and I don't think she would wait around for me, I will do anything to stay with her, she is my everything, and I will keep her, hopefully one day I will see her walking down the isle in her white dress, smiling at me, maybe, if i'm lucky..

******Zayn's POV*********

    As soon as I heard him ask her the question, my heart sank, if she were to say yes, she would forget about me, even being her best friend, I already knew that she told Harry why she left, she told me little details, but not the full story, when she didn't answer at first, I thought she might say 'no' but then she smiled and said yes, I thought my heart was breaking before, but now it was shattered.

    "You alright mate?" Liam said putting a hand on my back while we were walking off stage,

"I guess, I just have no chance with her now, even as a bestfriend" I said looking down at my feet,

"thats not true mate, she loves you like a brother, and she will always need you if Harry screws this up, which I could see him doing, because lets face it, he's Harry"

When we got in the car, they were being even more lovey dovey, it was sickening to watch, I felt like hurling, when I heard them whisper into each other's ears 'I love you' I snorted, and they turned to look at me, Harry had a sad smile on his face, and Jaycee was looking at me like she was mad, I know she told me to move on, but how could I? she was the girl I saw everywhere, and I wasn't going to be getting over her anytime soon.

 *******Jaycee's POV**********

 Zayn was acting all mad, and it was annoying me, I told him that I loved Harry, I told him everything, and the fact that he can't be happy for me as a best friend is making me very angry, I guess he heard us whisper 'I love you' because he snorted, and when I looked over at him he was glaring, I couldn't take it, if he was going to be like this, was trying to keep our friendship going worth it?

 We got back to the hotel, and we were all tired, we went straight to bed because tomorrow was going to be a big day of traveling around L.A. since it was my first time being, we were also going to go swimming in the ocean, and I cuoldn't be more excited.

 I fell asleep in my big cozy bed, thinking about the events that had happened just hours ago, I was dating an international pop star, but he was so much more than that to me, he was the love of my lfie, and the man I wanted to be with forever one day, the future is so uncertain, but I really wish one thing will stay the same, Harry and I.


Moments Like These (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now