Chapter 33

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We were now on our way, I was back in the tour bus, with the five crazy boys that I have labled as my brother, best friend, boy friend, and second brother's. I still needed to talk to Niall, he has been trying to since I got on, but we couldn't find the time.

Finally, Harry had let me be by myself, he hadn't since I got back to him, and went to take a nap, same with the other boys. Niall was about to leave his spot on the couch to go and do the same but I stopped him, "Niall we can talk now if you want" I said as he took his seat again,

"alright, finally" he said sighing.

"Jay, what happened?" he said in a whisper,

"I went out with Gemma and there was a guy there, he was in a hoodie, and sunglasses, and well he didn't buy anything, and you know what happened, he kidnapped me," I said looking down at my hands, Niall wrapped his arms around me, giving me one of his famous hugs that I have been given since the day I can remember, I loved Niall, he was the best brother anyone could ask for, and I'm glad to give him that label.

***Niall's POV***

I felt like the worst brother ever, I wasn't there to protect Jaycee, and I couldn't help but feel anger towards Harry, he was there he could have done something to stop it, he could have protected her, I just couldn't help it, Jaycee was the only family I really had, my own parents didn't even care when Jaycee was kidnapped, they called Harry once, not me, Harry which made me feel even angrier at him, why wouldn' they call me to talk about my missing sister.

I listened to Jaycee shortly explained what happened, she had to be sick of telling the story, I saw the tears start showing at her water line, I knew what I should do, I wrapped her in my arms giving her a hug that all the fans went crazy over, I don't know why, I just held people, I guess it was something special though.,

It was like the old days, when Jaycee would be sad or missing our mum and dad, I just held her, it made me forget we were on a tour bus, it made me forget I was the famous Niall Horan, 1/5 of the famous boy band One Direction, it was just me and my sister.

***Zayn's POV***


Everyone in the house was pacing, and yelling, I needed to get out of there, Jaycee was gone, and I didn't see her coming back anytime soon. I walked out the door, ignoring the four other boys calling my name, and heading straight to my car.

I knew where I was going, we were in Holmes Chapel, somewhere I had been many times with Harry and the other lads, I had found this little park one time when I needed to think that's where I went while here.

My car stopped as I pressed on the break, I parked in a spot close to where I was headed, the air was chilly, and I pulled my coat tighter around me, snuggling my face into my warm scarf.

I saw the dim lights of street lights lighting up the park, the blue slide reflecting the light, I walked over to the swings, where someone else sat, they looked at me as I took a seat next to them, I had to hold back a gasp, it was a girl, with beautiful blonde hair, and green eyes,

"you're Zayn Malik aren't you?" the beautiful girl said,

"yup" I said popping the 'p' hoping she wasn't going to scream in my ear, considering that's why I was here, to get away from all the screaming.

"Oh, that's cool" she said with a smile,

"you aren't going to scream, or freak out?" I said looking at her raising an eyebrow,

"nah, I'm a huge fan, but I'm not going to ruin my chances by fangirling in front of you" she said with a chuckle,

"I see" I said laughing along with her,

Moments Like These (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now