Chapter 1

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The first 7 breaks will be a repitition of the book so you have an idea where I have started off. And if not, Eldest, Chapter titled Arya Svit-kona.

Underlined and bold text: are quotes from the actual book.

Run after her! Exclaimed Saphira.


We can't afford to have her angery with you. Go apologize.

His pride rebelled. No! It's her fault, not mine.

Go apologize, Eragon, or I'll fill your tent with carrion. It was not an idle threat.


Saphira thought for a second, then told him what to do. Without arguing, he jumped to his feet and darted in front of Arya, forcing her to stop. She regarded him with a haughty expression.

He touched his fongers to his lips and said, "Arya Svit-kona-". She glanced over his shoulder and gasped.

"Eragon... do you... see that?" She asked as she pointed at a blue and silver patch on the ground. Her anger and distaste was gone from her as Eragon momentarily forgot his apology. He squinted his eyes as he tried to get a better look at the thing on the ground before them.

Saphira, can you... see what's before us? Eragon asked with his mental link. The sapphire dragon turned elegantly and stared at the floor before them.

It looks like, a-a, strange, he has the length of an elf, yet, the scent of a human... but also naught?

Arya walked over with caution in her steps as she wished not to startle the new arrival.

Eragon, a word of caution, Saphira said as worry clouded her eyes, there is a darkness within his soul, and it is blocking me from going within his mind. But I get that he is a noble individual, but may be corrupt. Be ever cautious when around him alone.

Eragon only nodded as he watched Arya bend down over the 'noble knight' as Saphira called him. She gently placed her hand on his helmet and seemed to try to take it off. Then suddenly, his left hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. She yelps in a scared voice and went to grab for her weapon, then he spoke.

"Who ever thou art, I recommend that thou naught taketh off my helm", he says in a low, echoing voice. It almost sounded, inhuman. Arya ripped her wrist from his grasp and stood up abruptly. She gave Eragon a strange look and glanced back down at the stranger.

"Might be a bad time Arya, but what I wanted to say before... I'm sorry, I spoke badly and-".

"It wasn't your fault Eragon, I over reacted. I understand that you where just worried for my well being. I'm sorry too".

Eragon released a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He and Arya glanced down at the knight who was now trying to sit up. He touched where his forehead should be and shook his head vigorously. It seemed like every movement took much energy from him.

He needs help, Saphira mentioned as she saw his struggles. Her voice broke Eragon's trance as he immediately kneeled next to the knight.

"What's your name?" He asked in a soothing tone.

The kinght lulled his head towards Eragon as he replied faintly, "Artorias... Knight... Artorias the... Abysswalker". He then fell forward, Eragon catching him and Arya suddenly appearing at his other side. Eragon and she locks eyes and both seemed to understand what needs to be done. They each placed an arm over their shoulders and pushed themselves up and dragged Artorias to their camp. Once back at camp, they placed Knight Artorias in Eragon's tent to rest.

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