Chapter 3- Angel on an ATV

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Angel Meghan Crawford’s engine roared. It was her last hours of riding through the forest before she had to go in. Her headlights spotted the sights ahead right before she made quick turns and exhilarating jumps on her four wheeled ATV. Angel was familiar with the area. She came there every weekend to ATV. Angel swerved through the trees. The narrow spaces between her and the tree gave Angel a rush like no drugs could ever do to any human. Angel’s ATV smashed the creek with a splash like a falling elephant. She revved her motors once again before speeding up-stream, sending water and mud flying into the air behind her. She weaved in and out of the creek and creek bed.

She sped up the creek. Faster and faster, her hair whipping around. Beep beep! Beep Beep! Her watch went off. Her friends were going to pick her up near the police station at the edge of town, beside the forest. She slowly turned her ATV out of the creek trying to turn off her watch. The vibrating machine bumped her hands around, so she killed the engine, Angel, expecting the silence of the forest around her, was greeted by a painful cough for breath just beside her. There, lay a young girl, shaking and passed out against a tree. Blood dribbled from open wounds and mud soaked her tattered clothing.

Now you see, Angel is the daughter of Rayne and Bowie Crawford. They are total hippies. They live in a trailer park they built with old buses and tents with a few other families on the other side of their little town. Angel was taught to always help, no matter if it’s a human or not and at all costs. She grabbed the banged up girl and hoisted her over her shoulders, Mud and blood stained her green tie dye shirt, and Angel headed home. Although the thought that she had seen the girl before would not leave her mind.

Angel and her friends thought they could take the girl home, since she was not yet conscious, and clean her up overnight. Rayne took the stranger under her care, she cleaned her up her cuts and washed her hair. She tied her hair in a bandana and changed her clothes. At night, the girl laid in Rayne, Bowies, and Angel’s bus. The girl slept under the blankets Angel had made and didn’t wake till morning.

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