Lost Time

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Somewhere in an open snowy area, Doc is pacing back and forth as Grif looks at the time gun on the ground. 

Doc grips his hair with his hands. "That was mental! Absolutely mental! What the heck did we do to her? And who was she? Grif? Grif! Say something!" 

"Can you please just give it a rest?" Grif scowls. 

"But Grif! What do you think it all means?" Doc asks. 

"I'm not thinking about it at all!"

"So you're just gonna ignore the giant, four-armed goddess in the room." 

"All I know is if I don't figure out how this stupid machine works, we're gonna freeze out here." 

"Let me take a look. I'm pretty good with technology. Better than I am with anatomy." Doc then reaches for the gun but Grif pushes him away. 

"Back off." Grif snaps. 

"I'm detecting some hostility from you. You mad...at me?" Doc inquires. 

"I'm mad at everything!" Grif shouts. "The world! The universe! I'm mad we got roped into some new bullcrap, and yeah, I'm mad I got lost in time with this purple Brutus of an idiot, the least useful teammate ever, or should I say former teammate, since you cozied up with our enemies!" 

Doc sighs. "Yeah...it's okay you hate me. Grif, if I'm being transparent, I kinda hate me right now too." 

"Oh God, Doc, please spare me." Grif pleads. 

"Yeah. I should've figured out the Blues and Reds were bad guys sooner. Because I didn't, I'm responsible for all the violence, and the heartbreak, the death. For Wash being hurt, for Loco. I let down my friends on all sides, and...I'm torn to bits about it." 

Grif ignores Doc as he picks up the time gun and fires it, making a portal. 

"Hey, you did it! You figured it out!" 

"No! I just found the shuffle button." Grif states. 


Elsewhere, in Valhalla, Tucker and Sister were standing outside next to Red Base as they looked at the time gun. 

"Seriously? Are you sure?" Tucker asks. 

"I know that symbol! It's a shuffle button." Sister says pointing at the button. 

"Who the heck builds a time machine with a shuffle button?" Tucker breathes, picking up the device and observing it. 

"Apparently God." Sister shrugs. 

"I don't buy that. I'm atheist." Tucker scoffs. 

"That's dumb. I'm militant agnostic. I don't know what's out there, and neither do you!" 

"So, it looks like we're in Valhalla, and I guess it's...maybe after we were living here? I don't see the crashed Pelican, so we don't have to worry about running into ourselves at least." 

"It must be before." Sister ascertains. "Some developers bought the land, and now Valhalla is all condos."

"All right then. So we're in the past. Now what? Do we try to Sherlock Donut's last message? Go and fix the past?" Tucker inquires. 

"We could, but... is there really a rush? I mean, we have a time machine, so we can do Donut's thing whenever. Maybe you and I can have some fun first." Sister suggest grinning. 

"Ohohoho, fun!" Tucker chuckles. "You want to get down!" 

"Definitely! Stuff's been gettin' a little too real at work lately. I need a few weeks of dumb sex to get my head on straight."

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