Day 17

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I stared at the ceiling for a while thinking back to four months ago and how my life has changed forever. His alluring smile and deep voice just tranquilized me to him. His strong body and smooth words had me feeling like I could be his for eternity or longer if he wanted me too. Luke made me feel wanted and even though I thought that our one night would be just one night of pure list and nothing more I still couldn't help but feel as if we are meant to be.

"Alicia---Alicia I know your ass is up! Wake up bitch" he spat at me.

I was snatched away from the my wandering thoughts and back to the hell of a reality I really lived in. I rose shifting my body to where his and my eyes where now coherently in each others view and my eyes dance over his body. The dark complexion paired with the dark waves that was all put together with a handsome face was nothing more than a front for the real man that was buried inside of him.

"Alicia is your ass listening to me" he spat at me as I regained my thoughts.

"Yes I'm listening Reggy" I said looking at him closely.

"Look I have to go to work seeing as I'm the only one paying bills around here while your ass sleeps and eats for free. Do you think it would be easy for your fat ass to clean the house while I'm gone and cook me some dinner before I get back?" He asked leaning in the door frame. I nodded my head lightly as I glanced down at the floor trying I not let his hateful words sting.

"Oh and Alicia I know your pregnant but you've let yourself go, why don't you wash your ass and do your hair try and look pretty again because the bigger look isn't really your thing." He walked out of the room as I heard the front door close behind him I softly brushed a tear that had fallen down my cheek.

Reggy was the other man that could possibly be the father of my baby. At one point in life I wanted Reggy as the father of my children his once comforting voice was the reason I felt safe at night and his love he had for me was the beat to the drum that kept my feet moving, now the same warm brown eyes I seemed for comfort are the same ones I fear.

I haven't told Reggy that he couldn't be the father because I don't want any problems between Luke and if I did Reggy would kick me out and I don't have any other place to go but here.

I lifted myself out of the bed going to the kitchen to start the cleaning process that I hope wouldn't last for too long. I grabbed the bleach, pinesol and duster and started my challenge.

*3 hours later*

I walked out of the shower staring myself in the mirror. My eyes going to my belly...the once flattest part of my not is now the biggest with another life forming inside if it. I looked myself in the eyes and I honestly don't see myself anymore I just see a girl who's been wrong yet no one wants to make help make me right.

I brushed my hair into a high ponytail and got into some jeans and a pink sweater that felt cozy since the apartment always seems so cold now. I sat down on the couch having few hours to spear and I thought about Nyssa.

She is so pretty and young no wonder Luke wants her over me. She isn't a who was fucked over in life she has everything that I want. I really want to be able to go to Luke and be in his arms while he tells me that our family will be perfect and that everything will be alright, but no I'm damned to this apartment with Reggy and his piece of shit ass who looks at me sees disgust when I could be for the most part carrying his child.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and went to put my coat on I needed to get some air and go food shopping since there was nothing in the fridge. I went to the Kroger closest by getting pasta salad and steaks and some other few items I was thinking a steak with stuffed peppers seeing as I am half Italian I know how to mix and match to make food not only fun but healthy too.

I was at the register when I noticed her off to the side checking out as well. I watched her every mood as she grabbed her bags and left.

"Ma'am---ma'am that'll be 34.50 please" I snapped out of my thoughts and paid the cashier getting my few bags hurrying out the store. I looked around seeing which direction she went in until I saw her head bobbing down the road ahead I quickly followed behind her. I wanted to ask her a few questions I wanted her to know that I'm the other woman I really just wanted to know if Luck even told her about me at all. I got close enough behind her to hear her conversation on the phone she was having.

"Well maybe she's a obsessed with you"


"Luke you did that not me and look come by well talk about it babe and I'll make dinner alright"


"Alright I love you too see you in a few"

She shut her phone off and put it in her pocket as we both walked down the street the cool January air blowing through my hair.

We made it to the front of the complex and I couldn't stay quite any longer.

"Nyssa?" I asked.

She turned around her almond eyes  staring at me as her long brown hair blew in the wind.

Luke" she said looking at me.

I couldn't help but start to get mad she so damn beautiful and no wonder Luke wants her more than me she has everything I ever wanted she's the one ripping my life apart.

I looked in my purse and pulled out the gun. I just stood there holding it infront of her.

"Please don't shoot me please" she begged.

"Please I'm pregnant" she cried.

Those words sent me over the edge , "I AM TOO!" I screamed as I close my eyes pulling the trigger the gun went off and when I opened my eyes she was laying there her hands clutching her stomach as the blood ran over her fingertips and to the floor she just stared at me and I started to panic what did I just do.

I wanted to call for help but myouth wouldn't open I just grbabedb my bags and ran. I ran and ran and left her there. I just left her there to die....


I was in my office counting the bundles when I got a call I usually don't answer to unknown numbers but this one kept calling.

"Hello" I said

"Nightmare Nyssa's been shot! Come to the hospital now!!" I dropped the phone on the floor as I grabbed my keys racing to the hospital.

I ran every light I didn't care I got to the entrance screaming for Nyssa only to be held back by people telling me everything.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" I screamed

" Listen sir she is in surgery we trying to save her and the baby I need you to sit down and relax we're doing everything in our power for them both" said I nurse who sat me down in a seat.

I started crying as the tears just came down I just got Nyssa back in my life I couldn't loose her and my child I couldn't loose them both I couldn't.

*3 hours later*

A doctor came from the back carrying a clipboard a solemn expression written on his face. He looked at me and looked away only to stare back into my eyes and say "Mr. Rodriguez".









Hey guys here's the new upload. I hope you like the new update. I am sorry about the quality I'm doing this off of my phone so bear with me on any grammar issues. Anyway  regardless of that I hope you enjoy the update and thanks for all of the love and kind comments I really appreciate them and I love y'all.

Until Next Time,


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