Chapter 1

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I got out of bed with a good feeling in my mouth.

I stood up and stretched my muscles. Gosh it feels good. I yawned and walked to the bathroom.

I put on my glasses and brushed my teeth. I smiled at myself in the mirror. My teeth finally looks good. I think. Its not crooked in every direction anymore.

I got into the shower. And sang to my hearts content. Everybody always say you sound better in the shower right. I even sang one of my own songs.

I got out and plaited my hair down in a fish tail braid. I walked into the closet and And picked out a floral dress. Its sort of barbie doll-ish but its cute.

Who am I kidding?.

I grabbed my pink cardigan and plain white dress. It went by my mid thighs. I smiled and quickly got dressed. I finally did my hair. I gave my appearance one more check. looked acceptable to me of course but to others maybe not.

I left the make up and ran downstairs. My nose hit the smell of bacon and eggs.

I ran into my dad. "Oh Happy Birthday Daneilla! Goodmorning honey".He said giving me one of his favourite bear hugs.

My sister came downstairs confused "Wait its her birthday? Wow your birthday will be extra special at school".

I looked up at my dad and smiled. I knew exactly what was waiting for me.

"Dad can I stay at home today?". I asked him glancing at My sister Allena.

"You heard your sister theres a surprise and you're not sick soo I dont want you staying out of school"

My stomach churned. This wasn't a good feeling.

Why Me!?

I grabbed my school bag and a strip of bacon went out the door. To avoid everyone.

I walked into the school. Its freaking friday people were suposed to stay at home or somewhere but the entire student body was in school. This isn't good.

I walked down the hallways and people started pushing me and laughing at me from all sides. I had a grim smile on my face.

I stood up and ran to my locker. And then straight through the bathroom. I locked myself in one of the toilets. I started crying. God why was everyone soo mean to me. I never did anything wrong to them.

I sobbed silently.

"Hey Daneilla who was the girl who sang that song this morning it sounds good send it". my sister shouted.

This is soo unfair. I took a deep breath and composed myself. I unlocked the door and wiped away some tears quickly.

"Allena it was my song. No one else's. It just shows how you never take note of the precious things have only your friends's. Wow to somone you might seem like the perfect sister but not to me".

I was furious seriously. How can she even do this to me. Doesn't she feel any remorse towards me and the things she puts me through?Not even the slightest soo why should i care about what she thinks or her feelings.

I pushed past her and ran back to my locker. They were still laughing. I grabbed my maths and Biology text books. Since its the first two subjects i will be getting.

I closed my locker. Maybe when I found my soul mate things might be different. I want some one who could love me for me. And not the way I look. Material things shouldn't be a factor.I just hope he's not one of the populars.

There is this one guy that might steal my heart. He's nice and sweet only when he needs to be. Its a shame he's one of the populars. I have a crush on Damien. But nothing can ever happen between us anyways.

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