Chapter 7

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I looked up at Damien. He had this serious look on his face.

I walked out into the forest where I was about to reject him. Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to finally reject him and move on with my life and have sex.

I walked away from him but he followed me.

I stopped and waited for him to say something. I looked at him finally. "You have this last chance to speak. Or I will talk and reject you".

"Don't reject me. Do not reject me"

"And I see you haven't changed much. That demanding side of you huh?". I said mocking him.

He pushed me against the tree softly.

"I couldn't sleep with any body because my wolf refused to. He couldn't hurt you".

His chest was up against mine.

"You think I will take you back after you rejected me Damien? I don't think so. It was your choice apparently I wasn't good enough for you. And now that i'm-".

I stopped when his lips collided with mine. Sending electrical shocks throughout my body. It felt soo right to be with him. To kiss him, but at the same time its soo wrong...

The mate bond was stronger now. This can't be happening.

He finally pulled away. I stared at him with shock. "Don't reject me please Daneilla. I'm sorry I didn't see what I was missing. I was soo stupid and I promised myself that when you return I'd make it better".

I looked at him. He seemed genuine. I didn't know what to expect anymore.

I couldn't except this. "No, this doesn't change anything between us Damien".

"Yes it can change Daneilla. I can't lose you. I almost did not again". He said with a serious look on his face.

"You never wanted me. I had this stupid crush on you. I had feelings for you but I knew we'd never be". I said walking away from him.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. His arm tightened around my waiste.

"You think it was easy for me to reject you. Daneilla I always wanted you despite your nerdiness back then. It was all an act to impress them".

"If I would've known that you wanted me the way I wanted you then maybe we wouldn't have been two worlds apart". I said pulling out of his grip.

I walked away from him. I had to get some sleep.All of this is just confusing. Nathan and I had to practise for tomorrow nights show.

I walked back into the cafeteria and found Nathan reading the song. That girl Anna has left.

Charny was searching somewhere behind me probably looking for Damien.

I sat down opposite Nathan. He looked up at me and looked at my hair.

"Okay spit it out. What has he done to you?".

I widened my eyes. How did he. I placed my hand on my head and found that it was messy and disheveled. Great just Peachy.

"He kissed me". I said disgusted.

But that kiss was just- im not even going to think about it.

"He did what?!". He asked angry all of a sudden. "Did you atleast stop him?".

I shook my head shamefully. "Dear god why did I sit back down and not hurt him". He mumbled to himself.

"Look Tru If he tries anything as in anything call me. Seriously what the hell possessed that son a bitch to kiss you? He doesn't love you the way Like I do?. Tru If I catch him looking at you and raping you with his eyes he's soo dead".

Nathan said rubbing his pupils with his four fingers at both sides.

"Nate I don't know what happened. He basically begged me not to reject him. Who the hell does he think he is?". I said suddenly as furious as him. But I wasn't a few minutes ago. Argh what the hell is wrong with me?

"Nate I promise I'll call you okay". He was giving me the silent treatment. I sighed and looked around. Nothing much has changed about this place.

"Nate... ".

He looked up at me. "Im sorry okay. You know I love you and no one else right?".

He faced me again. "What are you worried about?". I asked him.

"The mate bond. I'm worried about the mate bond. He kissed you which probably sent your feeling to ski-rocket for him".

"But I don't want to be with him. Nate just promise me you won't do anything stupid". I asked him.

"I can't promise that. Listen I've been rejected and accepted it. Why can't he. You might be my second chance mate and he's keeping me from you". He said angrily.

I sighed. He's right the only thing standing in the way of us being together is Nathan. And the feelings ski-rocketing is actually all true which is killing me on the inside.

"I know thats why I need you for after the show. To tell him that its over and then I can start freaking writing happy songs because then I will be with you. Nathan please don't shut me out". I begged him.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay!". He finally gave in. I jumped up and sat down on his lap.

"Ah.ha I knew you can't resist the puppy dog look". I said teasing him. He seriously has a soft spot for pups. Probably because their bodies were the same just we were more powerful and bulkier.

"How do you do it. You get under my skin soo easily". He said frustrated.

"Hey that was the longest I've ever begged you to forgive me. It normally takes instantly". I  said giving him a peck on the cheek. A photo was snapped.

I chuckled and so did he. "Oh my gosh you two are like soo cute. Soo 'Tru Calling', are you two dating?". She asked.

She was probably the schools head reporter.

"Yes for two freaking years!". I replied happily. Nathan rolled his eyes.

"Okay well, since both of you has done a few duets together. Will you be giving us fans a personal show. I mean if you two are going to sing together". She asked.

"Yes and its one of her songs which she completed today. And it will be added to her album". Nathan said kissing my cheek.

I laughed at him and smacked him away playfully.

Unfortunately Damien saw it and gave Nathan a murderous stare.

Nate noticed and held onto me more possessively. I just kept smiling as her other friend took photo's.

"Wow seriously you guys are cute. I want something like that one day". She said squealing. I laughed and so did Nathan.

"Who knows it might just be the most popular guy on school". I said wondering.

She laughed and said "That is never going to happen anyways. All we needed was a few question your fans here was dying to hear. Thanks".

She said smiling and walked away waving bye.

I looked at Nate. and he looked at me. We both started laughing and bursting with laughter.

She seriously squealed like a two year old who is excited to finally get her lollipop.

We walked out of the cafeteria. I still sensed people were looking. Nathan grabbed me and pulled me into the guys toilets.

"Hey are you trying to be naughty?"

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