Chapter 8

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I stared into Nathans eye's it was with pure lust and nothing else.

Damien's scent was all over me and he didnt like it. The moment he took a wiff he scrunched his nose and lost that look in his eyes.

I sighed a heavy sigh. He doesn't like Damien's smell. Figures.

I walked out into the hallways. My sister Allena was at the populars locker. When she saw me she almost gave my game away. "Tru! Wait up!".

She said heading my way. I rolled my eye's at her. What now? I groaned as she approached.

But I just let her walk by my side.

"Lets make a deal. Mention one of your songs as if it was written to me. Or you get exposed".

I widened my eyes but narrowed it into slits. Its her fault im half blind.

"I dont think so Allena, you want me to make people see you as the queen of the bitches? Well guess what?..." I trailed off when I saw Damien and Charny kissing.

Allena turned around to see where I'm staring at.

My heart dropped to my feet. My stomach clenched and I felt my lips burning.

I looked away down at Allena. She smirked at me with her evil grin.

"I need to get out of here. I have a song to rehearse for". I said flatly and left.

When I arrived at home my father wasnt here. I stomped my way upstairs and slammed my door shut.

I'm furious. I'm soo fucking stupid.

'Tru?'... I called out to my wolf.

'Yes?'. She was saddened by Damien's actions. I was too. Her wolf wanted his wolf. I bet his wolf is wayy,.. more nicer than him.

'I'm sorry you had to see that'.

'It's okay, his wolf loves us though his body doesn't. He will never be completely ours will he?' She asked.

I lowered my head sadly.

Nathan arrived pissed off. I didn't want to but I had to because we needed to practise.

"Nathan?"... I called his name out softly.

His head shot up in my direction. But the anger in his eyes were still there.

"Okay... you need to let that steam cool off a little before im talking to you". I said sitting down on my bed. He softened his look and sat down next to me.

"I found my second chance mate today. And guess what?". He said sadly.

I was stunned to even say anything. I was confused shouldn't he be happ he found his second chance mate?.

Something bad had to have happened if he wasnt as happy as I was deep down inside. And jealous at the same time.

"...and?". I asked waiting for him to answer me back.

"She was kissing another ... -". He stopped looking at me right in my eyes. He was saddened now.

"She was kissing Damien".

My heart dropped.

Charny is his mate. That hormonal slut that is with my mate is his second chance mate?!


I jumped from the bed in shock. I gasped and held my hands infront of my mouth.

"Nathan i'm sorry". I said in a hushed voice. "Does she know?".

"No i dont think she does because she was too caught up in his arms". He said all angered and frustrated.

I mean why wouldnt he be. His first Mate left him to be with another and now this time his second mate who was supposed to make him forget about the hurt and the pain his first mate has caused is doing the exact same thing. The only difference is she doesnt know its him.

"What are you going to do?".

"Will you help me get close to her".

I stared at him. He was pleading me to help him with her. Like he did with Damien. But i'm not going through that again.

"Nathan I can't. Atleast after the show for tomorrow. I will have plenty of time to plot but we need to practise". I said changing the topic.

He gave me a small nod. There goes my future with Nathan down the drain.

We went into an old studio. My dad told me it was my moms. Everything seemed to be intact and cleaned off.

Nathan sat down on the keyboard. He started to play the song.

After we rehearsed my father came.into the room. I turned around to face him and he smiled at me.

"You look just like your mother". was all he said before turning back and leaving.

I blinked my eyes a few times. I quickly tried to pick up my note pad and Nathan seemed all depressed. It did put more emotion into the song. And that is exactly what it needs.

He walked past me without giving me a second glance.

I raised my eyebrows and just brushed it off.

I walked upstairs and quickly put my song book under my pillow and started unpacking my clothes.

There was a knock on my door but the person on the other side confused me with their scent.

I walked over to the door and turned the doorknob.

It was Charny?

She looked different. She wasnt wearing any make-up. Just a few touch ups like I do but further than that she looked plain in her crop top amd skinny jeans and converse.

"What are you doing here?".

"Erhm... Tru i dont mean to disrupt you but Nathan he's my mate". She said softly.

I smiled for no reason. No this cant happen now. Not now. If this happens then I can kiss those feelings of hatred goodbye that Nate has right now.

I know Im being self-ish but I need that raw emotion.

"Listen Charnys. He's rejecting you tomorrow. He said he preffered me over you. So yeah stay away from my man". I said rudely. I saw the hurt written all over her face.

I raised my left brow and waited for her to leave.

She slowly turned around on her heel and I watched her shoulder length hair swoosh from side to side.

She was kindda sad. Hurt. The way I felt when Damien rejected me.

I couldnt let her walk away like that I knew the pain of rejection.

I sighed and was busy walking after her but she ran into the woods.

I stomped my foot in frustration. Great just... great (note the sarcasm).


Hey guys. This chapter isnt edited but enjoy. Please don't hate me.

Alsoo,.. thanks to those who voted and commented. The first person to vote and comment will get a dedication.




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