Chapter 19

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Daniella's P.O.V

"Just because I forgave you doesn't not mean that there is an 'US'. Two years ago... back then I had soo much to offer you, but right now all I can offer you is my kindness and my strength.

I'm not going to make this easy on and it's going to be hard on the both of us. But the other part of me you need to earn. And I deserve to be happy.

I may not be the blue eye's blonde haired or pretty bombshell, or the blue eye'd brunette but I can be me. I know I'm not perfect and that I'm half blind, and that there are still alot of wounds that need to be mended. But what hurt me the most was being cut deeper by you...".

He wanted to interupt but I gave him the 'don't you dare say a word' look. And it looks like he paid attention to it.

"And it still hurts to think about it. The pain and how I suffered. It makes me hate you and I can't live like that anymore because I've realised how precious life is". I felt fresh tears stream down my face. I was crying infront of him and I quickly wiped the tears away.

I waited for him to speak.

"Do you know how long I've waited to hear you say you forgive me? You have completely no idea how it makes me feel knowing that one day I can finally hold you in my arms after I've earned your love and trust. But Daneilla, me rejecting you... there's m-more to the rejection than what you know". He said. He seemed happy which made me frown even more.

I get that he was happy but what I don't get is the fact that he said there was more to the rejection than what I was following. More meant more explanations and information I don't think I'm ready for.

"What?",I more or less whispered. "What do you mean more to the rejection". I asked him looking at him slightly raising my eyebrows.

"Did you knock someone up is that it? Did you sleep around with Charney and she secretly had your child?". I said too quickly.

He shook his head "No no! It's not that Daneilla, why would-".

"Oh my god you're not even denying it!". I said cutting him off.

He let out a frustrated huff sound and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Look, no I never ever knocked up Charney and wouldn't even dream about it because what she did to you disgusts me at this moment. But you're really jumping to conclusions that is kinda pissing me off because I can't believe you would think I would do that to you Daneilla".

"Then what did you mean. If you just right out said something before me I wouldn't have jumped to conclusions. And excuse me for being soo jumpy and making assuptions because you didn't deny it and you did sleep... you did sleep with her did you not?". I asked him making him look saddened.

"Look Daniella, I never meant to reject you. It wasn't my intentions at all". He said with a very obvious thinking face on and it made me frown even more.

"Never meant? What do you mean never meant to reject me? Is there something I should know? Cause now would be the best time to talk to me and tell me the truth". I said and folded my arms over my chest.

He nodded abruptly. "Okay but for me to do that you need to come inside. What I'm about to tell you is confidential and I need to keep it that way".

I looked at him and at the house behind him.

I didn't wanne go inside because I knew his parents would be there and it made my stomach turn.

"No! Are you crazey. I came here to tell you I forgive you not come here and make friends. Not now atleast".

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