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It had been a little over a month and Warped the next day was the last day of Warped.

"Patty," I said quietly. We were laying in my bunk and neither of us could sleep.

"Yes, love?" He whispered.

"What are we gonna do when we have to go home," I frowned.

"Miss each other a lot," he laughed.

"I'm serious," I laughed.

"I could move to the US," he smiled.

"Oh my god," I laughed and rolled my eyes. "That would never work."

"Or," he giggled, "You could move to the UK."

"I'd love to," I smiled.

A grin grew on his face.

"But," I said, "I have a job."

"Well," he frowned. "I'm really tired, Bran. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I responded.


Patty POV

I climbed out of her bunk once I knew she was asleep and walked to the lounge.

I picked up my phone and called Regan.

"Hey," I answered, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Hey, Patty," She answered. "What's up?"

"I want Brandy to move in with me," I whispered.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "That's awesome!"

"But," I sighed, "She doesn't wanna quit work."

"Come on," she laughed. "I can make it work."

"Really?" I was trying not to get too excited.

"Of course," she chuckled. "I can find new teachers for her students. And let me tell you, She'll find a new job easily. That girl's amazing."

"Are you sure I should do this Regan?" I asked.

"Yes!" She answered. "Patty, she loves you so much. She'll be so happy."

"Okay, thank you so much," I replied. I could hardly wait to tell Brandy.


Brandy POV

"Hey," I smiled. I got up on my toes to place a kiss on Patty's lips.

"Good morning," he replied, handing me an iced coffee.

"What a gentleman," I laughed.

"I try," he smirked.

"Hey Brandy," Foley said, walking into the room. "We're on at 7:00 today."

I nodded and sipped my coffee. I smiled slightly when I noticed it had just the right amount of cream and sugar. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out.

From: Awsten🍇
yo. let's hang out today.

To: Awsten🍇
as long as patty can come. i have to leave him tomorrow ya know :(

From: Awsten🍇
jk that's cool he's my man. soooo lunch?

To: Awsten🍇
sure. 1:00?

From: Awsten🍇
see y'all then.

"You wanna grab lunch with Awsten?" I asked Patty.

"Sure," he smiled.

I got ready, putting on a "Forever Warped" shirt and cuffed jeans.


"Hey cuties," Awsten smiled as Patty and I walked up, holding hands.

"Hey," I laughed.

We found a table and ordered food. We need up talking for a few hours before leaving to hang out with the rest of the band.


"Hey everyone!" I called as we finished No Way Out. Patty said I could 'do the honors' of introducing us for the last show.

"We're As It Is, thanks for coming to see us on the last ever day of Warped! This tour has been a huge blessing for me, if you don't know I just joined the band this summer and I never imagined how great this would be. I got to meet so many of you guys and other bands. Oh, and my boyfriend." I chuckled. "Anyway I'm rambling but enjoy our show, this one's called 'Boys Don't Cry'."

I started to play the song, but quickly noticed that none of the guys had.

"Brandy," Patty said into his mic with a smile. "I was gonna wait, but I have to do this now. Do you wanna move to the UK with us?"

I walked up to my mic slowly. "I can't, remember? The whole job thing."

"Brandy," he laughed. "I talked to Regan. They're gonna find a new teacher and we'll find you a job if you want."

My jaw dropped as the crowd cheered louder than ever.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, tearing up.

He ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you," he said quietly.


I pulled away from Patty's arms as slow as I could.

"Well, I guess I should board," I frowned.

I was getting onto flight to go home, but luckily I would only be there for a few days to pack my stuff.

"I'll see you at home love," he smiled.

I leaned in to kiss him one last time before turning and walking onto the plane. I sighed as I sat down, realizing how weird it was to be away from him already.

My heart ached as the plane took off, but I quickly fell asleep and dreamt of the moving day.

a/n: sorry for slow updates guys! i'm gonna try to get back on a schedule but it's hard with school :( no matter what i'll always update when possible!

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