Chapter: 1

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             <♡> Not quiet anymore <♡>

           In one silent night, the city Busan was glowing. Lights lionizing it's city when the sun is asleep. It's one of the places that has been safe, and quiet for a long time. That is, before this gang appeared.

     "Hoseok, Stop worrying about me! I'm already on my way back home. Besides, it's not even dark and no I won't go into strange shitty roads." The boy with the light purple hair sighed, his friend Hoseok has been almost calling him each hour. Telling him to go home already.

   He hung up on the boy as he kept walking, feeling safe. Not feeling scared of walking home at night. Although, he should be. One of the scariest, dangerous gangs has almost over taken Busan.

   Almost everyday, it's reported that a car has been stolen, a bank has been robbed, a house has got broken in to. Feeling a little uneasy walking at night, but not completely scared.

    "Why are the police doing a poor job? They should already find them and arrest them." He said sighing to himself, watching the news on a t.v that belonged to a store. From the outside seeing that the so called Silent Seagulls gang threatened someone.

  "I know right, I just miss when Busan was a safe city." An unfamiliar voice said, grabbing the boy's attention. He had dark brown hair and a beautiful face structure. Like he was the number one most handsome faces in Korea.

  "I do too... do I know you?" The boy asked.

  Hearing a small scoff "No, I'm Taehyung, you can call me Tae." He said.

  The boy smiled "I'm Jimin, I don't have a nickname." He giggled cutely.

As they spoke, smoke came out of their mouths. Their lips tremebeled a bit. It was almost the snowy season in Busan. "Aren't you scared? Being here alone, what if the gang comes and kidnaps you." He stated. Raising a brow to watch his reaction.

   Surprisingly, hearing a giggle from the boy "It's weird that I'm not? This gang never killed anyone before. They are just out for money." He stated. Licking his lips because they have been dry, the cold weather was too harsh.

   Taehyung nodded slightly "Interesting, well have a good night." He said leaving Jimin and walking alone at night.

      Jimin tilted his head "He seems... nice." He whispered to himself. Walking back to his house.

  Opening the lock and seeing that the lights are still open "Mom, dad, I'm home." He yelled. Taking off his red converse and walking in.

  "Diminie!" A cute little girl came running to him. Jimin giggled and picked her up.

  "Sunmi!" He kissed her cheek and kept holding her.

  "Jimin! How many times do I have to tell you to come back home early." His mom said.

  Jimin sighed as he Sunmi back on the floor. "Mom, I pay the rent, I pay sunmi's kindergarten expenses, I work all day and I never take a day off. Just, leave me alone." He sighed storming to his room.

   He was always lectured on being this perfect son. But, He can't be. He tries his best, he also needs freedom. Sometimes he thinks he should just run away... but he doesn't have the guts to do it.

  "Gosh, this boy is slowly killing me." The mom said.

   Mr. Park patted her back "Honey, he is old he can handle himself-"

  "He lives here, He gets to do what we say. It's not a choice. We have been over this already." She said, making her husband sigh and nod.


      The next day, Jimin went to work. He works as a business marketer in an office. He doesn't love his job but he also doesn't hate it. "Good morning, Jimin!" Hoseok stated.

  "Yeah yeah." He sighed, sitting next to Hoseok. Their desks were next to eachother. That's what made them friends in the first place.

"Bad mood, huh? What happened?" He asked. Giving him the coffee he bought him before coming to work. Jimin smiled and sipped from it.

  "Parents, sometimes I think I just want to be free of them." He said.

  Hoseok rose a brow "Let's go to the club, tonight." He grinned. Watching Jimin shake his head but stop, to actually think about it.

  "Clubs..." He hummed. Fingers feeling warm from holding the coffee in his hands. "Should we? But I can't drink you know that. If I go back home drunk, my parents will kill me." He said.

  Hoseok smiled "That's not what we should worry about, we should worry about your outfit. It's horrible." He shivered dramatically. Making a disgusted face as he looked at his outfit.

  Jimin scoffed and shoved Hoseok "Look at your hair, you look like a spinach-"

  Hoseok started pinching his cheek. "AH, Hyung I'm sorry" he whined.

  Hoseok rolled his eyes and pulled away "So it's a yes for the club?" He asked happily.

              <♡> To be continued <♡>

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