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nala woke up alone and afraid, the cold air of the hotel sent goosebumps down her arms as she raised herself from the bed, her hand instantly flying to her cheek. sighing at the feeling of the thick bandage.

on top of her pillow laid the room key, as well as a pale yellow notecard with lazy handwriting scribbled on it.

I paid a week in advance, they have food in the lobby and I brought some clothes for you.

stay safe, you won't be seeing me for a while.


she couldn't help but smile at the little heart.

what does he mean by that, where is he going?

he can't just leave her there, he wouldn't leave her there. would he?

she stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, she looked horrible. maybe that's why he left....

horrible thoughts whirled around her head, she didn't realize she was this whipped over someone she still barely even knew. it baffled her in a way.

she knew one thing, she wasn't going to leave him alone.


he needed to leave her alone.

she wasn't good for him, and him being a vampire didn't ease anything.

he didn't know if he was attracted to her as a person, or her blood. and the thought of being attracted to both made him isolate himself from her. he can't put her in anymore danger.

he called someone to fix her window, and he cleaned all the glass off the floor. he cleaned her kitchen counters, and basically cleaned out the whole house.

he took her basket of dirty clothes and threw them in the washing machine, filling it with soap and watching the cycle spin in fascination.

he loved the thought of cleaning her apartment, it was weird but he loved it. he could imagine him doing this more often, preferably in a shared hous-

what the hell is he thinking?

vampires and humans can not be together, its unsafe. and he has already gotten into enough trouble. as much as he likes nala, she isn't his source of income, and he needed to stay employed.

until he can get himself under control he needs to stay away from her.

"hey gguk!" jimin chirped, stepping in with a brown bag in his hands, "I brought food."

jeongguk snatched the bag and took out the first thing he saw, biting down into the sandwhich with a loud smack.

"so how are you and cocoa puff?"

the younger raised an eyebrow, continuing to eat his sandwhich.

"she's safe, but I don't think she will be if I continue to see her."

jimin pouted, "but you guys are like soulmates and-

" last time a vampire and human were 'soulmates' I became an orphan with an incarcerated father."

jeongguk spat, his mind going red at the thought of his mothers body sprawled out on the kitchen floor, limp with blood everywhere.


"She's gonna be a way for a while." the officer said. "I'm sorry."

jeongguk scowled, "I refuse to let that happen."

"you're not your father, and if you guys are careful then-

" hyung, have you seen her?" jeongguk sighed, "I could get a boner by literally just thinking about her. " do you really think that everytime I want to get intimate that I want to travel all the way to the doctor's just so they can watch us?"

"do you have any idea how uncomfortable that is? needing a doctor present just incase I lose control?" jeongguk sighed.

"well what if she's into that?" Jimin shrugged, his face held a playful smirk.

"get out." The younger roles his eyes. " you're bothersome."

"but I don't want to leave!"

"hyung I'm not in the mood, go fuck tae or something." he shooed his older friend away.

"will d-

" get out!"

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