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"why are you so against me going out to look for her?" jeongguk asked for the nth time. "she's my girlfriend, it's my responsibility to protect her!"

"you can't just keep rescuing her from situations time after time she's perfectly capable of doing things herself."

"she's a fucking eighteen year old human girl, against a almost six foot tall vampire." the younger shouted, shoving jimin hard.

"well i don't want you to go." the older yelled.

"and why the hell not?"

"because i-

taehyung walked into the room with a smile on his face, it slowly fading when he felt the tension in the room.

"nevermind." jimin whispered, his head hanging low.

"i have to go." jeongguk pushed passed them, and out the door, using his senses to try and travk her for the millionth time.

he can't give up, he will find her, even if it's the last thing he did.

and no one, not even jimin was going to stop him.


"namjoon please!" she whined, trying to tear herself away from his grasp.

"i know you enjoyed it last night how about i-

knock knock.

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