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the office was wild, no one spoke, no one looked at eachother, just rapid typing and papers flying at every corner.

vampire attacks were showing up more and more around Seoul, and it wasn't looking good.

especially jeongguk, who couldn't focus on anything at hand.

it was bad to say he had such lewd thoughts, especially at a time like this, but he couldnt ignore the fact that he was hard at his desk, his mind wandering to only God knows where.

"Jeon!" the whole office snapped to the aforementioned, who stould up abruptly, "office.now!"

"Yes sir."

he hastily made his way to the office, taking a seat in front of his boss, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"jeon, you know I appreciate you and your work." the man goes on, looking him in the eyes. "but tell me why I was emailed photos of you and a girl in an apartment, I was also informed that she was a human girl."

jeongguk glanced at the pictures in confusion, so what? vampire and human aren't necessarily illegal. doesn't make it any less dangerous.

Any less wrong.

"what's the problem?" jeongguk said, a little bit snobbier than he intended.

"the problem is I don't want another one of my employees, especially a jeon, showing up on my cases."

there it is. He brought his father into this, its been ten years, let it the fuck go.

the boy's demeanor changed in an instant, it was like nothing he's ever felt before. it wasn't more of the fact that heis boss accused him of having the intention of killing  people, more of the fact that he would be accused of killing  his own girlfriend.

did he just call her his-

"I don't want your father's case to happen again." his boss said, "it was a big enough scandal back then, I don't need another."

"what makes you think I'm like my father?" jeongguk growled, his fists clenched tightly on his sides.

how dare he compare him to such a monster, he's a man with morals, not a blood thirsty beast who uses others jsut to gain pleasure.

his mind flashed to his mother's naked body, cold and pale, blood everywhere, as well as white stuff that jeongguk's innocent mind couldn't identify at the time. but now, it was all too clear. so vivid, so gruesome, jeongguk wanted to throw up.

"don't question me, just know that if you continue your visits with this girl and I find out, you're fired."

jeongguk chuckled, twisting one of his rings around his finger. "might as well just fire me."

it was late, Seoul was dark and nala could barely keep her eyes open to watch the TV in front of her. sleep wanting to take over.

she forced her eyes open again, every time her eyes fell tired she would snap awake, frantically looking around the room and turning a light on, eventually the whole hotel room was lit up, giving her false security.

it didn't help that much though.

knock knock

she slowly stould from the bed, fixing her shorts and crop top. her little feet padding agaisnt the carpet as she peeped through the hole, smiling at the pair of blue eyes that she loved so much.

she swung the door open without hesitation, a wide smile on her features.

"hey ggukie? I misse-

she swallowed her words, her mouth paralyzed as his lips suck on hers, his hands griping her small waist tightly.

it was literal sparks, he could feel his toes curl as he pressed against her, it was the same as the first time they met, except better.

" do you know what you're doing to me?" he growled in the kiss. all he could see was red, her lips tasted sweet and he was loving it.

nala felt her heart beat faster as he felt at her waist, her eyes closing as she kissed back.

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