Chapter 3

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Evy walked out of her room after failing to find the book she was looking for. She walked towards the chest and tried to open it but couldn't, something was missing. The key was missing. She walked to find her sister and she saw her kneeling down in front of Alex.

"Alex I'm serious, if you've lost that key your grounded!" Lucy said as she dug her hands into Alex's jacket.

"Alex has lost the key?!" Evy said with wide eyes.

"I haven't lost it, I just can't find it. There's a difference," Alex said, looking at his aunt and then to his mother.

"Well you better start finding it then," Lucy said with a small playful grin.

"I will mom there's nothing to be worried about," Alex said before being cut off.

"Good evening," a man with a deep voice said, making them all turn to him. Lucy stood up and kept her sister and son behind her.

"Who are you? What are doing here?" Lucy said worriedly.

"I'm looking for the chest of course," he said which made Alex grab to from the table next to him.

"Give it to me now!"

"Get out of my house!" Lucy said as she walked over and grabbed a sword.

"Wow mom maybe not the best idea," Alex said worriedly.

"Alex, get back there. Evy you too," Lucinda said as she indicated her hand to move back. As soon as she said that about five men, wearing the same clothes as the other man came into view.

"Definitely not the best idea. I think its time to call dad now," Alex said as he walked backward with Evy.

"Now I will kill you and take it anyway," the man said as he and his men walked closer.

"I think not!" A familiar voice said from behind them, which made the man fur his eyebrows together and his men to draw out their swords. It was Ardeth.

"Ardeth, what are you doing here?" Evy and Lucy both said.

"Perhaps explanations are best kept for later," Ardeth said as he stood next to Lucy.

"Ardeth Bay," the man said.

"Lock-Nah," Ardeth replied. Suddenly the man spoke in Arabic which made his men charge forward. Alex and Evy ran back and hid next to a shelf. Lucy ran back, did a cartwheel which she kicked a man in the face in the progress before getting ready for the next enemy. She fought three men at once with no experience and half the time not knowing what she was doing or how she was doing it.

"Wow, mom! Where did you learn how to do that?!" Alex asked in amazement as he looked at what his mother was doing. Evy widened her eyes in amazement as well, asking the same question as she watched Lucy making two men go down at once.

"I have no idea," Lucy said catching her breath. Suddenly, a man came up and threw her against the wall in a choke hold. Lucy then kneed him, before punching him in the stomach and throwing a right hook at him in the face.

"That I learned from your father," Lucy said as she finished the man off. Lucy then grabbed her sword again and started to help Ardeth. Alex and Evy were tugging at the chest against another man but they were thrown to the floor as the man got a hold of it. Alex and Evy ran to where they were before, beside a shelf.

"What's in the chest?" Ardeth said as he continued to fight.

"The bracelet of Anubis!" The sisters exclaimed in union as they continued to fight.

"They must not get the bracelet!" Ardeth said as a man grabbed his sword that was stuck in the shelf but the shelf was pushed to the ground thanks to Evy and Alex.

"Get it and get out of here!" Ardeth said which made Lucy grabbed the chest off the floor after fighting. She turned to her son and sister then to Ardeth.

"Mom look out!" Alex yelled but was too late when Lucy was hit by one of the men and kicked out cold.

"Lucinda!" Ardeth and Evy said which made him lose his concentration and was hit by the man's sword. Lucy was grabbed and put over a man's shoulder as he ran out.

"Mom!" Alex yelled as he stood up. The leader of the men walked out after throwing a knife at Ardeth but missed by an inch.


Rick and Jonathan jumped out of the window and missed being shot by the man after them. They got up and turned the corner to see a car driving out. They came out behind the car before they saw the curtains of the back window being opened by Lucy.

"Rick!" Lucy yelled before being pulled back by the men and being put to sleep by a drug.

"Lucinda!" Rick yelled back and started to run but was cut off by Jonathan who pulled him back. Another car was shooting at them but they both hid behind a statue. As they drove off Alex ran and called out to his dad. Rick turned behind him and embraced him into a tight hug.

"Are you alright?" Rick asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Alex replied, nodding his head. Rick put him down and turned to see Ardeth.

"O'Connell," Ardeth said, bowing his head.

"What the hell are you doing here?! No scratch that, I don't care... who the hell are those guys and where are they taking my wife?!" Rick yelled as he grabbed Ardeth in anger. Ut eventually let him go.

"My friend, I'm not sure but wherever this man is, your wife will surely be," Ardeth said pulling out a photograph of a man and showing it to him. Alex snatched the photo out of Ardeth's hands and said,

"Hey, I know him! He's the curator, he runs the British Museum!"

"Are you sure?" Ardeth said grabbing the photo back and putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Believe him, he spends more time there than he does at home," Rick said as he grabbed his son by the shoulder and started to run off. Jonathan, Evy and Ardeth following behind them.

"Ok, you're here, the bad guys are here, Lucy's been kidnapped let me guess-" Rick started as they started to walk to the car.

"Yes, they once again removed the creature from his grave," Ardeth finished.

"I don't mean to point fingers but isn't it your job to make sure that doesn't happen!?" Jonathan said as he pointed at Ardeth with the golden stick he was holding.

"The woman who was with him, she knows things... things that no living person could possibly know. She knew exactly where the creature was buried. We were hoping she would lead us to the bracelet, she obviously did, and now they have it!" Ardeth said as they stopped at the car.

"I wouldn't get too nervous just yet," Alex said calmly before rolling up his sleeve to show the bracelet on his wrist. He held it out and Ardeth grabbed his arm to examine it.

"Is that gold?"

"Is that the bracelet?" Jonathan and Evy said as they surrounded Alex.

"When I stuck it on, I saw the pyramids at Giza, then whoosh! Straight across the desert to Karnak!" Alex said with eagerness. Evy started to pace back and forward, stressing that her sister was ok and that her nephew would be.

"By putting this on you have started a chain reaction, that could bring back the next apocalypse!" Ardeth said rapidly making Evy and Alex gasp.

"You lighten up," Rick said pointing to Ardeth.

"You big trouble," then pointing to Alex.

"You stop pacing," he said pointing to Evy.

"You get in the car," then pointing to Jonathan. With that, they all got into the car and Rick started to drive to the Museum.


Thanks for reading Chapter 3! Hope you enjoyed it. Also, I might be able to post another chapter today or tomorrow.

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- Niki xx

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