Chapter 10

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Alex hugged his father tightly as Jonathan was on his knees next to his sister, holding onto her hands before letting go. They all lost her. Jonathan lost one of his sisters. Alex lost his mother and Rick. Rick lost the love of his life. Rick let go of Alex and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Stay here," Rick said as he stood up walked away. Alex and Jonathan looked at each other before Alex looked to his dad as he walked away.


Rick's POV

As I was walking in the pyramid with a torch in hand, when suddenly the dark and grey walls around me turned gold with lit torches on the walls. Why did that happen? I decided to shake it off and continue to do what I came into the pyramid for. To find Imhotep... and to kill him.


Alex's POV

My mom was dead. There was nothing I could do but cry. Uncle Jon put his head on my shoulder and I turned my head to look at him.

"Try to think of it like this Alex," he started to say but I just turned my head away. "She's gone to a better place, you know like it says in the good book." I shot my head up as it hit me.

"The book," I say in almost a whisper.


"That's it. That's it!" I said and stood up

"That's what?" He said not knowing anything. Honestly, he can be an idiot sometimes.

"Come on Uncle Jon! Come on! Come on! That's it, the book!" I yell and pulled him up to his feet.


Rick's POV

As I walked I looked around and saw Hafez but I just ignored his presence.

"You're too late O'Connell. I have released the Army of Anubis," he started to say. I through my torch into the ground. "Lord Imhotep shall soon kill the Scorpion King and take command."

I took the axe from the statue that held it as I started to walk away. "Not after I get through with him."

Suddenly I heard crunch-like noises coming from where Hafez was. I turned and held my weapon up for protection and he screamed in pain. He removed his hand from where he had it in and all was left was bone. I looked at him and grinned. Karma's a bitch.


Jonathan's POV

We walked into the pyramid, Alex carrying a torch as I carried my sister.

"You realise, of course, that this can only be done by someone who can actually read Ancient Egyptian. I don't know about you, but I'm a tad rusty," I say to Alex. When I mean a tad rusty, I mean I know about five words. We stop at a wall that goes in two directions.

"Now where?" I say sighing.

"We go right," Alex says to me directing his torch to the right.

"How do you know?"

"Kasheesh Osirian Nye," he started as he read the wall. "Basically, this way to the Scorpion King," he stated as he looked at Lucy. "Mom taught me."

"This might just work," I say as Alex walked off.

I'm going to get my sister back.


Hi... I know it's short bit the next chapter will be most likely the last chapter for this book. i don't know if I am doing the third book but if you all want me to I will. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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- Niki xx

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