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  I step out of the bathroom with a navy blue polka dot top on and some ripped jean shorts. I gather my hair into a voluminous ponytail. I tuck my apple necklace into my shirt. At this point, I'm not really sure why I'm holding onto it. But something's telling me not to let it go.
  "Woah..." Peter mumbles under his breath as I step out. I blush and look down. He clears his throat. "Um, Felix is just a little while away. We should get going." I nod in agreement.
  We begin walking east of the treehouse in silence. After a little bit of walking, I work up the courage to take Peter's hand. Partially as an apology for last night and partially because I feel something towards him. I can't quite tell what it is, but I'll figure it out.
  "You don't have to-" Peter starts stuttering but I interrupt.
  "I want to."
  We continue walking down the path in the forest, hand in hand, not saying a word. I find it relaxing, just enjoying the nature and someone's company. I'm still worried about forming special bonds with people, but I just can't resist Peter anymore.
  Once Felix is in sight, I release Peter's hand. He tells me to go up to Felix and not mention the fact that he's there. I nod and run up to catch up to Felix.
  "Hey! I heard I was getting some defense lessons today-"
  "Just shut up and grab a bow," Felix grumbles under his breath. I simply roll my eyes and obey. He attempts to pull me over to a few linear trees, but I shrug my arms free. "Now just try to shoot these arrows into the centers of the targets."
  "That's it? No flames, or moving targets?" I attempt to joke.
  "It's not as easy as it looks," He scoffs. I grit my teeth and in the split second he turns away, I launch each arrow into the dead center of each target. Felix practically jumps when he turns his attention back to me.
  "How the hell did you do that?" He asks me, accusingly.
  "Guess it is as easy as it looks," I shrug with a smug grin on my face.
  "Forget this. I'm done," Felix fumes and storms away. I bite my lip and watch him disappear into the foliage.
  "Well, that didn't go as planned," Peter mentions, appearing behind me.
  "I'm sorry," I attempt to apologize.
  "Don't be, Audrey. This isn't on you. It's on him. Hang back, I'm going to go talk to him-"
  "You can't force him to like me," I grab Peter's arm and warn.
  "I know. But that's no excuse for how he treated you. Now go. Please," Peter asks. "I'm just trying to protect you."
  "Fine," I finally give in. I turn back to where Felix left the bow and arrows. I might as well get some more practice.
  Archery must've been a part of my past, because I've always been good at it. Better with a bow than a knife, for sure. I spend the entire afternoon working on my skills and take the bow and quiver as I wander away from the training area.
I soon find myself back at Pan's treehouse. I climb the ladder and haul myself up. Once I'm at the top, I quickly check the sun's position. 4 oclock.
  Time passes quickly in Neverland. And I realize how hungry I am. I pull myself into the treehouse and conjure up a piece of pizza. My favorite. I'm not really into hunting and skinning animals like the Lost Boys. I'll stick with pizza.
  I got bored easily waiting for Peter to return. I didn't expect it to take this long. I stretch, do yoga, climb adjacent trees. All just to pass time.
  Four hours later, if finally gets dark. And I feel the familiar feeling of the Earth being slipped out from underneath my feet.
  "Still not used to it, are you?" Peter laughs as I fall into his arms for the third time. I don't pull away so quickly tonight.
  "Not quite yet," I giggle.
  "Here. It helps if you cross your arms over your chest... like this..." He turns my body so my back is to him. My arms are soon covered by his, and he guides my hands across my body until I'm immersed in his arms. I gulp.
  "Oh... okay. I'll try that..." I say nervously. He slowly unravels himself from me.
  "Now come on, let's party."

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