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  I wake up curled up on top of Peter's chest. Unlike the past few days.
  I glance outside the window, only to see broad daylight. Strange, I think, Peter's usually up and gone by now...
  He probably just slept in. After all, it is tiring fighting off pirates in the middle of the night, I'd assume.
  Other than that interaction last night, he's been overworking himself anyway. Gone during the days, back for a few hours at night before running off again before sunset to continue on his quest for the cure. He's so obsessed with finding a cure, it makes me wonder if something else is linked to it...
  But I dismiss the thought. I'm kind of excited to go with him today. I won't be trapped inside all day.
  A burning hatred grows in the pit of my stomach. Everything was going perfectly here, until my mother showed up. I was happy.
  I was finally happy. And she ruined it. Peter and I would spend every minute together, the lost boys and I would laugh and have fun together. But as soon as she appears, the island's magic gets rundown, Peter has to hide me, and he's never around anymore.
  I never thought she could ruin my life even more than she already did.
  She ruined two of my families, and I could never forgive her for that. Never.
  Aside from my mother, I decide to savor these moments with Peter before he rushes off again. I wish this could be life everyday. That would be perfect.
  Unfortunately, the perfection ends when Peter wakes up.
  "Aw," I complain as his eyes pop open. He laughs under me.
  "Did I miss something?" He asks, propping himself up so he can look at me. I frown.
  "No..." I pout. He raises his eyebrows.
  "Now that doesn't sound very convincing, love. What's wrong?" He presses. I sigh.
  "Every time you wake up, you rush off without me. It gets lonely. All I want is to be with you..." I trail off. He sighs.
  "I know, love but I have to find-"
  "The cure, I know. I get it," I mutter partially annoyed. He takes his hand that's not wrapped around my waist and laces our hands together.
  "I wish we could be together more. But I'd rather keep you safe than with me. It's the only logical thing to do-"
  "Wait a second," I say, bolting up into a sitting position. "You're not going back on your word, are you?"
  He bites his lip.
  "Peter! I am not staying in this damn cage all day again! I can fend for myself and you're taking me out there like you said you would! You've been lying to me too much lately, this is not going to turn into a lie as well. We're going together," I demand.
  Peter frowns, looking defeated. I grin triumphantly.
  "Look, Audrey, if you got hurt I wouldn't be able to-"
  "If I get hurt, it's my fault. Not yours. So don't take the blame."
  "No, it is my fault for not protecting you."
  "That's not your job."
  "It's not a job, it's, well, a perk?" He stammers as he tries to come up with the right word. I roll my eyes.
  "You're an idiot. But I'm going with you today and that's that. You can't stop me," I stick my tongue out childishly and roll off the bed in attempt to escape from Peter. He laughs and hops off the bed.
  "Can't I?" He grins and chases me around the treehouse playfully.
  "Gotta catch me to stop me," I remark. He eventually catches up to me and grabs my waist from behind. I let out a squeal of delight. He pulls me into his grasp quickly and litters hundreds of short kisses up my neck and cheek. I giggle.
  "If you think this'll get you off the hook, you're wrong. Nothing can make me happy as a prisoner," I sigh unhappily.
  "You know, you're quite stubborn," He tells me. He quickly spins me around so I'm facing him while enveloped in his embrace, causing me to sharply inhale. He puts his lips right next to my ear. "I love that..." He trails off while kissing down my jaw. I eventually give in and wrap my arms around his neck.
  We're interrupted by a knock at the door. Peter groans.
  "What?" He quickly huffs and returns to his task.
  "It's three hours late, Pan. We're supposed to be finding the cure..." Felix trails off from the other side of the door. Peter hesitates before sighing aggravatedly and stopping. I frown. He lifts my chin and places a gentle kiss on my lips before replying back to Felix.
  "I'll be out in a minute."

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