17. Reunion

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Summer 2010 

Poppy sat on a bench next to her dad, leaning her head into his arm. She held a letter in her hand, the letter she had gotten from him before the sacrifice, before she had received her memories. 

"You lied." She spoke, breaking the silence between the pair. "In the letter, I mean." She explained, setting it down. "Basically through all of it."

Klaus smirked. "Well I was waiting until I saw you in person. Plus, how do you think you'd react if I told you the truth in the letter?"

Poppy smiled. "I might've fled to Russia." She teased, which was returned with a small laugh. 

"Russia? Out of all places?" He looked down at his daughter. 

Poppy looked at him. "You're right, LA sounds a lot better." She smiled before looking back at the pond before them. 

Klaus pulled out a photo from his pocket, smiling at it. "Here, surely you remember this day?" He handed it to his daughter. 

New Orleans, 1918 

Poppy walked down the stairs of the Mikaelson Compound, looking at her family. Her eyes lit up when she saw her uncle Kol. She rushed to him. 

"Uncle Kol!" She smiled, having not seen him in a while. 

He smiled and picked her up, kissing her forehead. "I wouldn't miss the family photo now would I, Missy?" 

Poppy smiled and shook her head before Kol handed her off to Klaus, who held her on his arm with a smile. 

The lot of them stood together; Klaus on the side, holding his daughter in his arms, Marcel next to Klaus, then Elijah, then Kol, then Rebekah. The photographer who stood before them clicked the button of the camera, and with a pop the photo was taken. 

Klaus smiled and set his daughter down, watching as she walked to her aunt. 

"Auntie Bex, may we take Uncle Kol with us to the park before he has to leave again?" Poppy asked. 

Rebekah gave her smile, leaning over a bit. "I think you should ask Kol that."

Poppy nodded and walked to her uncle, who had knelt down to her level. "Uncle Kol?"

"Yes, Missy?" He replied, giving her a smile. 

"Would you like to come with us to the park today?"  She asked shyly, her hands behind her back. 

"Of course I would." Kol told her. 

Poppy gave him a wide smile and squealed in delight.

August 24, 2010

Mystic Falls, Virginia 

The Gilbert Residence

Poppy walked up the stairs of the Gilbert home slowly, letting out a yawn. She rubbed her eyes as she reached the top, walking to a door. Taking a deep breath, she pressed her knuckles against the wood and knocked, nervous as to how the youngest Gilbert would react. 

"One minute, Elena." Jeremy spoke from inside the room. 

Poppy bit her lip, hearing some clattering in his room, then hearing footsteps. The door opened, revealing Jeremy, who's eyes widened in surprise.

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