33. Marcellus

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April 7, 2011

A scream echoed through the night, coming from a woman who laid on the ground, blood pouring onto the ground from her neck, which had two gaping holes. Hovering about the woman was a girl, her brown curls acting as a curtain to hide her face from any bystanders there may be. The girl's eyes were glowing a brilliant blue as she glared down at the woman. 

With a loud grunt, the woman shoved the girl away, standing up with a blurred motion. Her face transformed to be that of a vampire. "Have you not learned your lesson yet, witch?!" She exclaimed, etched into her voice pain and anger. 

"I learned that you take pleasure in torture. I learned that the vampires here in New Orleans cannot be trusted, not even Thierry or Diego. You're all backstabbing vampires!" The girl replied, shoving her hand into the chest of the woman, grabbing onto the heart of the woman. 

"You're hurt!" The woman gasped out. "I get it, I do, but you need to stop this madness. Murder does not suit you, Poppy Mikaelson."

Poppy ripped out her heart, watching as the limp body of the woman fell to the ground. With narrowed eyes, she blurred out of the alley, carrying the heart with her. 

The compound was alive with the chattering of vampires, who had taken it to be their home. They hung around, drinking blood from glasses, and laughed with each other, not knowing that their joy would be short lived that night. 

Poppy walked through the entrance of the compound she was born in, tossing the heart into the center of the room, letting it roll, leaving behind a trail of blood. 

Everyone stopped, turning to look at her, shocked. 

"Now that I have your attention," Poppy spoke, kicking off her black heels and nudging them to the side. "let's begin. I know you're all dying for bloodshed."  

No one dared to move. 

Poppy raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Are you scared?" She taunted. "Come on, there's gotta be someone,"

A vampire stood up, vamping to her. He came to an abrupt stop, his eyes wide as his heart flew from his chest and into her hand. Poppy smiled, dropping the heart. 

"That's more like it." She turned to Diego, who glared at her. "What's wrong? Are you upset that you're getting a taste of what it feels like to be inferior?"

Diego stepped forward. "It was an eye for an eye."

"I didn't know what I was doing!" She yelled. "But this time, I know." She bared her teeth and lunged forward, but was thrown to the side before she could reach Diego. 

"Enough!" A man yelled, standing between Diego and Poppy, who stood up from the ground. 

Poppy brushed her curls out of her face, not caring about the blood. 

"I've let this go on for too long." The man said, turning to face Poppy. 

She placed her hand over her gaping mouth in surprise, her eyes beginning to glisten with unshed tears. She stepped back, lowering her hand as memories flooded through her head, causing her to gasp from the pain. She held her head, squeezing her eyes shut. 

"Let's get a balloon animal, come on!" She exclaimed, jogging over to the man.

Marcel stood his place and observed the man, taking note at how he was watching Poppy, and how he had been watching her since they arrived in the street.

"Marcel come on!" She called out, interrupting his thoughts.

He smiled and walked to her. "My apologies, sweetheart, just thinking."

"About what?" She asked as the man folded the balloon into a monkey.

"Vampire business." He said, looking the balloon man in the eye.

Poppy frowned, taking the monkey slowly and holding it close to her chest, taking a small side step closer to Marcel.

"Marcel...?" She spoke quietly, confused.

Quickly, Marcel cupped the girl's cheeks and looked into her eyes. "You are going to run as fast as you can to the other side of town, as if your life depends on it, because it does. You won't look back, and you won't stop running until you see your brothers."

Poppy frowned. "Marcel-" she knew what he was going to say next.

"You won't remember me or the time we had until the next time you see me. All you know is that you were stuck in a basement, and that Klaus is Elijah's brother." The vampire hooked her vervain necklace back around her neck. "Now run." 

Poppy lowered her hands from her head, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Marcellus.." 

Marcel gave her a small comforting and sad smile. "I'm here, sweetheart." He told her as the girl rushed into his arms.

Poppy buried her face into his chest, tears spilling from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, closing her eyes. "I'm so glad you're alive, Marcellus...don't ever leave me again.." 

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