22. Homecoming

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September 17, 2010

Mystic Falls, Virginia

The Salvatore Boarding Home

The day was going well. Everyone was happy towards Poppy, which was odd but she didn't question it, and she hadn't experienced any pain from the mark. She was slowly adjusting to the shaking of her hands, but it had taken longer to curl her hair.

She set down the curling wand, admiring her brown hair. She smiled in satisfaction and unplugged it.

"Poppy, could you do me a favor?" Rebekah asked from her doorway, seeming a bit on edge.

"Of course, what is it?" Poppy asked, standing up.

"Don't go to homecoming." Her aunt told her hesitatingly.

Poppy furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't go to homecoming? Auntie Bex, I've been longing to go to homecoming since I was 10. I can't just not go."

Rebekah walked into the room. "I understand that, but what if something happens to you?"

"If you're talking about Mikael, I've been training. I've got this." Poppy said, walking to her bed and grabbing her dress. "I'm ready."

Her aunt gave her a soft sigh. "I know. At least be careful."

Poppy put on a comforting smile. "I will." She walked to her and kissed her cheek. "I'm going to be at Matt's. I'll see you tonight."

Rebekah smiled, kissing her forehead. "I love you,"

"I love you too, Auntie Bex."

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Matt's Residence

"It's so weird!" Poppy exclaimed to Matt, pacing in his room. "No one has ever been this nice to me. Not even Stefan, and he has no humanity."

Matt smirked a bit, taking her hand. "Poppy, you're over thinking this." He told her.

Poppy looked at her, stepping closer. "Am I? Like, no one's dying or anything?"

"No one's dying." He assured her, pulling her in for a kiss.

Poppy smiled in the kiss, climbing into his lap.

Mystic Falls, Virginia

The Salvatore Boarding Home

Stefan stood in his home, his phone pressed against his ear. On the floor nearby laid a desiccated Mikael.

"Portland is fantastic. Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people, it is literally a breeding ground for werewolves." Klaus spoke on the other end.

"Your father is dead."

"What did you say to me?"

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?" He asked.

"Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened."

Stefan raised an eyebrow, explaining everything that had happened. The lot had vervained the Original, then they had discovered his possession of a dagger-which was intended for his daughter Rebekah-so then Elena daggered him, leaving him desiccated on the floor.

"I wanna see him." Klaus told him. "I want to see his rotting body for myself."

"Well, he is here. Come by whenever."

"If you are lying to me Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So, answer with your life--Is what you are saying the truth?"

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes."

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