40. Parting Ways

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A/N: I've been listening to Trench by Twenty One Pilots non stop and Leave The City makes me ball man 😭😭 so does Neon Gravestones 

"Well Damon, after two thousand years of a miserable existence, I finally get to die."

September 21, 2011 

Mystic Falls, Virginia 

The Salvatore Boarding Home 

Poppy stood before the fire place, the orange glow of the flames lighting up her features. She wore a fluffy robe and bunny slippers, and her curls were pulled into a loose bun. Behind her was Silas, Elena, and Damon. 

"You said that now that you're a witch again, you would bring Bonnie back from the other side." Elena said. 

"I did and I can." Silas replied. 

"You're a witch, right, Poppy?" Elena asked from the couch, standing up. "I'm getting fed up with you not doing anything and leaving us to rely on Silas, who's kind of evil...no offense." 

"None taken." Silas spoke.

Poppy narrowed her eyes, turning around to face the doppelgänger. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes momentarily. "Elena.." She said with an uncomfortably calm voice. "I am going to make this calm and short. I know that I'm a powerful witch, even though I'm dead, and I know that I could do a lot of great things, but I can't when I've had little training" she opened her eyes "and I've only gained these powers relatively recently. So back off before I rip your heart from your body." 

Elena frowned from the threat. "So you're useless? That's what you're telling me."

"Elena." Damon sounded with a warning tone. "Newbie vampire..tribrid.." Elena looked at him. "Not to mention she's a Mikaelson, and my little sister."

Elena looked back at Poppy. "No, Damon. I've had enough of you telling me what to do when it comes to her." 

Poppy raised an eyebrow, almost laughing. "Really? Tell me, Elena. What's bugging you today?" 

"All you do is sit around, Poppy!" Elena exclaimed. 

Poppy scoffed. "Elena. Stop." She held up her hand. "That's not true at all. You literally turned off your humanity and sat in a cellar. Plus, all you do is cry." 

"Because my brother died!" Elena furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Jeremy came back, Elena!" Poppy snapped, not wanting to hold back any more. "My mom died-Alaric died-My brother faked his death-Zach, the one who I was with the majority of my life, died-my grandparents tried to kill me, twice, and almost succeeded-my uncle wanted to kill me-I was torn away from my family-Stefan ran off-you stole my brothers from me-not only that, but you killed my uncle Kol!" She exclaimed, her magic beginning to surge within her. "So, Elena, if you want to play this game, then fine. Let's play this game." 

"So you just give up?" Elena asked. 

"Give up?" Poppy inquired. "Give up? Elena, do you even hear yourself? I've done way more than you have this whole summer. While you've been having sex with my brother, I've been struggling to keep the tension in my family at a low, because a lot has been going on. And again, while you were having sex with my brother, I drowned and died to save Stefan." 

Elena looked down at her feet as Poppy wiped the blood from under her nose, her head pounding in pain. 

"And on top of that, Elena..." Poppy spoke more calmly, Elena just didn't understand. "you don't have to deal with the psychological effects of the children I saw die in my vision. You didn't have to spend 80 years in a glass box alone in the dark, nothing to hear or see. Just cold, emptiness, and my own thoughts. I was 7. You don't have to deal with being a Mikaelson, and you don't have to deal with loathing what you are." 

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