Chapter 7

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One Month Later...

After Peyton and Billie confessed their mutual love for you, it took quite awhile for you to adjust to having a life with not one , but two girlfriends...

Currently you sat in your apartment with your mind fixating on the concept of having two extremely hot Australian girlfriends.

The day that they announced both of their feelings to me I honestly didn't know what to say or feel.If it wasn't obvious before that I've taking a liking to them , then this is sure to raise the ratings.

After they told me how they wanted this to workout I was suprise to see them unfazed by this wholesome situation that we are currently in.And to say the least I'm hooked.


You dig through the couch to find your vibrating phone.You swipe the screen to FaceTime with Peyton and Billie.


They were obviously overjoyed to see you.

Y/N:Hey you two,how are you ladies?

Peyton:Good.But we miss you!

Billie:We're just getting ready for the show love! We can't wait to see your face soon!

Y/N:Yeah I miss you guys too.I just had to make some business arrangements for...something.

Billie gives you a questionable look on her face.

Peyton:Oh tell us about it?

Y/N:I want it to be a suprise.

Billie:I love suprises...


You were texting Peyton and Billie over where the three of you could meet up when out if nowhere you feel a two pair of arms swing around your frame that caught you by suprise.

Y/N:Oh come here!

You give them a giant group hug nearly lifting them in the air until you put them down.

Y/N:I miss you guys!

Peyton:We missed you too...but I think you're forgetting something...

Billie hinted towards her lips.

You quickly look around with a wild look plastered to your face.

Y/N:I thought we agreed not to show affection public! It's risky.

Billie:We're willing to take that risk...

Peyton pouted.

Peyton:Don't make us wait!

You look back and forth both ends off the hallways before giving them a fast yet sweet chaste kiss.

Peyton:We should make this a game.

Y/N:Yeah see who can get caught first? I don't think so.

Billie:Aww you're no fun.

You shrugged.

Peyton:Oh what was the suprise that you we're going to tell us?

Y/N:Oh right the suprise.Well you know how you two just moved in the apartment and it's sorta cramped right?

Billie:Wait...a second...

Y/N:And you guys wanted me to move in...

Peyton:Yeah thats right.

Y/N:Yeah well I've been speaking to house investors in Florida and I think I've found the perfect house for the three of us!


Peyton:Oh my god this is amazing Y/N!

They both hugged you.

Y/N:So I'll take that as a yes?

Seeing their face light up was the best part.You had the paperwork signed and everything but the only thing missing was
Peyton and Billie's belongings.

Peyton:A million times yes!

Billie:Y/N you make us soo happy!

Peyton:You love spoiling us!

Y/N:I know.But I can't stop.


After finishing up your match against Epico picking up the win Charly Caruso catches up with you for an interview.

Charly:Y/N how are you feeling about the annual WWE Draft next week?

Y/N:Mmm I don't know,I guess it would be cool to see some new faces.Tch not like we care anyways.

They nod.

Charly:Are you at all afraid that The IIconic Trio might make the switch to Team Red?

Y/N:Not at all.We'll just make RAW our playground just like we did here.

Charly:Ladies care to share any thoughts on the subject?

Peyton:Nope he said everything that there is to say.

Billie:Bye-Bye now we are busy people!

Once your off camera you pull them aside to talk about the house while being discreet as possible.

Y/N:Im gonna hire some movers and all that good stuff so just sit tight.

Peyton:I wonder how my mum and family are going to react to me moving in with a hot guy...

After hearing that you let out a nervous laugh scratching the back of your head.

Billie:Why are you nervous Y/N?

Peyton:Just pretend that we're just your roommates y'know?

Billie:On the other hands our parents like you a lot!

Peyton:And they visited a bunch when they were in town when Billie and I use to stay together.

Billie:This'll be good for not just you but for both of us as well.

Y/N:Your right,this might turn out to be a good experience.

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